
Vindictive Cat

I am writing a Substack column titled “Vindictiveness.”

As you can see, my advisor is with me. Unfortunately I made the mistake of touching one of my advisor’s paws. So he bit me. Advisors shouldn’t bite. It’s not polite.

I informed my advisor of this but he seemed unmoved and gave me this cold look. He’s a rescue and still working on his manners. Ironically, the biting actually goes along quite well with my column.

Perhaps my advisor was feeling vindictive. Have a nice day.

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Christmas in February

Well I have my edits back for my 2025 Christmas book.

I think I may need to get out a little Christmas tree and play Christmas music to get in the writing mood. I suppose Christmas in February works.

Sort of. A little…

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Happy Valentine’s Day…From the Cats and Me

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m sick so I’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day by watching some really ridiculous reality TV with Innocent Husband and the bad cats. Hopefully he will remember to buy me a little cake.

I’ll tell him now not to forget, just to be sure…

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Talking to My Cats

Do you think it’s odd that I ask my cats about their opinions on the stories I’m writing and what the characters are doing?
I don’t either.
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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

If you need a little literary love, light, and laughter in your life, you might try these books.

(Yes, I really tried hard to add the alliteration here. It’s not very good. But, it’s after midnight, and this is the time when I am easily, and oddly, entertained by sentence structure and word choice. It is clearly time for me to go to bed.)

Only on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cathy+lamb&crid=80Y453OZUH8U&sprefix=cathy+lamb%2Caps%2C159&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

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We Camped for SIX Weeks…

When I was a little girl living in Huntington Beach, California my father, an engineer, received a sabbatical from work.
For some reason, my parents, Jim and Bette, both decided it would be a splendid idea if they took four kids and two dogs camping up and down the California and Oregon coast for six weeks.
In a big blue tent.
With sleeping bags.
One dog, Frisky, tried to bite people, the other, Alphy, tried to bite other dogs. They weren’t very pleasant.
Some people might say my parents lost their minds ever so slightly…
CLICK ON THE LINK to read for free on Substack.
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What a Literary Mess

How not to read a book: Choose a book to read that everyone loves, NY Times best seller, with high rankings.
Read part of the book. Find that you’re totally not into it. Persevere anyhow to 45% read on your kindle.
Force yourself to read it over the holidays when you SHOULD be reading a book you love, that is light and sweet, and that you can read at night to quiet the celebrations and all the cooking and cleaning you did.
Stop reading the book entirely because reading this book makes you NOT WANT TO READ AT ALL. Take a short break. THEN decide you really should read the ending to find out what happens. Start at 85% on the kindle.
Realise you don’t know enough after reading from 85 – 90% to understand what’s going on and BACK UP (AGAIN!) to 60%. Try to make sense out of confusion until 70% of the book is read.
Lose track of the characters and have no idea who this new person is on the page and wonder what in the world is going on.
BACK UP a third time to 50%. Read it through to the end, slowly, because, again, you’re not that into it. Lose time reading a book you would love which is so frustrating.
Be really mad if you get hit by a bus tomorrow and you’ve spent all these hours reading a book you don’t like that much.
Finally get done, sigh with relief, lean back and know that you are “literary-free” now and find two more SUPER FUN books to read and find your reading joy again.
Yep. Don’t read a book like I did – backwards and upside down. Put it aside. Pick up another one. Off ya go. Happy 2025 to you.
And no. I’m REALLY not talking about my own books. I promise. BUT, if you don’t like them, you should put them down. I hope, hope, hope that doesn’t happen.
(Only on Amazon.)
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Starting to Write Again!

I’m starting to write book two of “Ten Kids, Two Lovebirds, and a Singing Mermaid.”
The blue journal is the first journal, the second journal is pink and says, ironically, BRIGHT IDEAS.
I hope I have some bright ideas. I DEFINITELY need those…

“Ten Kids” is set in the neighborhood I grew up in for 10 years in Huntington Beach, California, on Deauville Drive. It’s not based on my own childhood, but I threw a lot of my childhood into it.
Happy 2025!
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Happy New Year!

From my house to yours, Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your family a healthy, laugh-filled, book-filled year.


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Happy Holidays, Good Luck, You Can Do This

Hello everyone,

Click on the link to Substack, below, if you would like to read a short and sweet article about the holidays.

Here’s the start…

Hello all,

I wanted to take a moment to wish you peace and joy this holiday season with no family fights involving flying mashed potatoes or pecans used as weapons.

Those types of holiday dinners are so unpleasant. And messy!

For those of you visiting in-laws or family members who make you think you need a straight shot of tequila or five to survive, I wish you good luck. Remember, this too shall end.

Just make sure it ends without you dancing on top of a bar like a crazy banshee because of that tequila and finding your sorry self on You Tube.

Be this person instead…


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Cathy Lamb
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