“So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide.”
— US Rep John Lewis, son of sharecroppers, minister, Civil Rights leader, Freedom Fighter who was beaten multiple times with fists, baseball bats, chains, lead pipes, and stones, but still stood up, yet again, and again, to fight for equal rights.
January 3, 1987 – July 17, 2020.
Innocent Husband and I went on a bike ride.
He had an inelegant small crash and left skin from his elbow on the pavement. He said bad words.
The arthritis in my hands screamed at me, “WE ARE NEVER BIKING AGAIN, CATHY, NEVER.”
My butt and Innocent Husband’s butt both really hurt and I told him that I did not want a “cool-looking” bike anymore but a pretty blue bike with a huge flowered seat and a basket in front so I could bring lemonade, cookies, and my kindle on our future bike rides.
He rolled his eyes at me and I did not run him over when he did that because I am serious about that pretty blue bike and flowered basket.
We had to stop at a bench and “take a load off” because we were tired. He put his arm around me and we felt like two, old, long-married people watching the world ride by. We laughed at that.
When we were sufficiently rested from our adventure we creaked up, bones protesting, and hobbled back over to the bikes to finish our ride.
We had a great time. I told him he looked pretty darn cute.

If you need a book to get through life right now, all of these books are under 10 bucks.
Yes, I made sure to put in laughing scenes.
I think I just made up a new phrase – laughing scenes. But sheesh. We need a laugh right now.
Wishing you good health and peace during this difficult time.
(Now I COULD make all these book covers exactly the same size and shape but, eh. That would take too much effort and we have raspberry pie and I must have some. Go and eat some pie or cake. We deserve it.)
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cathy-Lamb/e/B001IGO5L0

And on a lighter note, because we all need lighter notes right now…
I’ve finally gone and done it. Tonight Adventurous Singing Daughter wanted to go to the store because apparently our family needs four types of bread during quarantine to stave off starvation.
I’d been cleaning the garage all day, had been covered in dust, wondering how we collected so much junk, and was now clean and in pajamas. I was too lazy to change because clearly I have embraced frumpiness.
Yes, I drove to the store like a crazy lady and sat in the parking lot in pajamas while she shopped for starvation-preventing bread, truly hoping that no one I had ever, ever met in my entire slobby life would see me in the above-mentioned pajamas and my lamb slippers.
Wishing you all well and I hope you are not driving around in your pajamas because that is ridiculous.
Also, buy bread. Add butter. It’ll make you feel better.

Do you have a place that calls to your heart?
I live in Oregon but I can hear Montana calling my name. Both of my sisters live there and want us to move so we can grow old together and become crazy cat ladies.
My sisters live on land and can see beautiful sunsets every night under a wide open sky, blue mountains, rolling hills, and miles into the distance.
I set my book No Place I’d Rather Be in Montana. I was thinking about our ancestors, and what they had to do to get to America so they wouldn’t starve to death and live in abject poverty for the rest of their lives.
The ancestors’ stories in No Place I’d Rather Be are told through a cookbook handed down through the generations, complete with ingredients and hand-drawn photos.
From Odessa and pogroms, to Munich and the Nazis, from the Kindertransport, to the Blitz in London, and finally to Montana, Olivia learns about her relatives as she cooks.
Kindle, $8.58. I have NO IDEA what it’s $8.58.
It is not my fault that I am gaining weight during this time.
Adventurous Singing Daughter and Rebel Dancing Daughter are home and they are cooking and baking up a storm.
It’s like my kitchen is on fire, culinary-speaking.

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve lost my writing brain.
I was on Skype visiting with a book group last week and they asked about my latest book “All About Evie” and I, in my infinite wisdom, told them all about “The Man She Married.”
Yes, in my bafflement and confusion, I goofed up MY OWN BOOKS.
They even SPECIFICALLY asked about the premonitions in “All About Evie” and I still didn’t have a clue and yammered on and on about a book with NO premonitions.
After 13 novels, things start to blend and blur together, I suppose. Or maybe that is my pathetic excuse.
Anyhow, if you need a book, try one of these. Just don’t count on me giving a clear summary of either one.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cathy+lamb&i=digital-text&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Protesting peacefully in Portland with Beloved Daughters.
Black Lives Matter. His name was George Floyd.
We need to listen, learn, and change. We can do better. We MUST do better.
Love to all.

Simon would like to recommend this book to you if you need to escape life for awhile.
It’s less than ten bucks.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/All-About-Evie-Cathy-Lamb-ebook/dp/B07NCPSX2X

I live smack in the middle of suburbia.
Obviously, no one told these deer on my front lawn that.
Perhaps they have come to play with Felicia, The Raccoon, who is back.
(Thank you Angela and Courtlandt Nelson for the photo!)