
Hope and a Garden

I’m finding a little spring hope in my garden!
Happy spring, all.

Let’s hope for better, healthier days ahead.

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Grape Nuts and Embarrassment

One would think I would feel embarrassed after what I did.
I was not embarrassed.
One would think I would make a vow not to do it again.
I will not make that vow.
It all happened at Wal Mart. I went looking for Grape Nuts, as usual. For those of you who do not know, there is a tragic, distressing national shortage of Grape Nuts. I have eaten Grape Nuts for decades. Decades! And now, in the midst of a pandemic my cereal is gone. For months.
I was in my usual Wal Mart – Covid fancy attire: Sweats that have gotten way too tight these last months through no fault of my own, of course. An old rain coat. No make up. Hair ripped back in a ponytail because I was NOT GOING ANYWHERE as usual. My mask.
And there it was.
ONE box of Grape Nuts. My mouth dropped open. I thought I might have heard angels singing.
Highest shelf. Way at the back. No, I did not ask a clerk for a ladder, yes, I CLIMBED THE SHELVES. Who the heck am I? A mountain climber? A Himalayan hiker? No, I am not. I am a mother who is not too fond of heights, and there I was, dangling.
(Is it against the rules to climb Wal Mart shelves? Maybe I should arrest myself.)
But, alas, and bad words, The Grape Nuts was WEDGED into the back of the top shelf. Stuck. I had to climb up those shelves three times, totally ungracefully, hopping up and down like a crazy rabbit, swatting at the box to get it dislodged.
I am sure I looked absolutely ridiculous, like a deranged, middle-aged woman who had lost her blasted mind. I really didn’t care.
I wanted that box. It is Covid. We do stupid stuff.
On the third swat, I got it.
I felt like doing a little jig but I resisted. Climbing Wal Mart shelves was all I could do in one day.
Innocent Husband cheered for me when I got home. We are getting old and odd, but this is what Covid isolation does to you.
You find joy in the tiniest things because ya just have to.
I am so glad that I did not end up on You Tube.
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Lay On The Couch

Well, it’s snowing here in Oregon which loosely translates into: Lay on the couch, read a book, and eat chocolate chip cookies.

Try not to move much.

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Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Wishing you good health, happiness, and peace.

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Snowwoman Wins

Innocent Husband thinks he can beat me in our Lamb Fam Holiday Bake Off but that is not gonna happen.

We have been home A LOT and I have my recipe and I’m ready to bake.

No black smoke will be coming out of my oven this year, I am pretty sure.

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Holiday Reading

Happy Holidays, everyone!

I hope you have time to sit down, relax, and read.

Stay healthy, stay safe. Stay home and read a book.

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Stay Home, Read a Book

If you need a book/gift for the holidays…
All About Evie: Evie Lindsay took a DNA test with her sister to find out more about their ancestors. That’s when everything fell apart.
The Man She Married: Natalie Shelton’s husband has lied to her about who he is, who he was, and where he came from. Other than that, he’s an excellent husband.
Happy Holidays, everyone. Be safe, stay home, read a book!
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a peaceful, happy, healthy day.

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Reindeer Getting Tangled In The Trees

Innocent Husband is putting our Christmas lights up early this year because we need a little cheer.
We also want Santa to know exactly where he should land his sleigh.
We don’t want any reindeer getting all tangled up in the trees again.
How many of you are putting up lights early, too?
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Red Hat Ghoul

I look like this – a scary and stylish ghoul – as I’m tossing candy from six feet away into the trick or treaters’ bags.

And yet a little trick or treater, probably about three years old, dressed like a unicorn, stepped into my house so she could go upstairs and pet my cat.

The ghoul did not scare her.

Kids are so funny.

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Cathy Lamb
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