
Holiday Book Breaks To Keep Sane

Need to escape the in-laws?
Or a book to read with your glass(es) of wine?
Perhaps an excuse to eat a box of chocolates all by yourself?

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Natalie Shelton Is In A Coma. That’s Not Her Only Problem.

And that’s a wrap! My twelfth novel, “The Man She Married,” is done and flying off to New York.

What’s next? I am going to find Innocent Husband and see if he wants to go on a date. I’m going to hang out with Rebel Dancing Daughter, Darling Laughing Son, and Adventurous Singing Daughter.

I made dinner tonight and I dare say that everyone was quite stunned. The lasagna wasn’t very good, my cooking skills are poor, but the effort was made.

I’m going to watch movies, read, walk, and stop talking and arguing with the characters in my head which does make me feel ever so slightly crazed.

Want a very short summary?

Natalie Shelton is in a coma. That’s not her only problem.

The Man She Married is out at the end of August.

Picture 2 The Man She Married

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Do You Like Reading About Cakes?

Cakes. A Chef. A 105 year old cookbook. Montana. Grandma has a secret.

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Newsletter, Laughs, Books

I am FINALLY getting another newsletter together. If you’d like to sign up, click on the link. Fill in the form. When you hit “submit,” your name will disappear into thin air. Never fear! You’re now on the list. It’s just a lickety quick process.

Trust me, I will not bombard you with emails. I am not that organized or efficient and spend a lot of my time daydreaming except for when I’m on a deadline and in editing hell. Like right now.

Happy reading to all.



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Six Goodreads Giveaways


I have six novels/short stories up for giveaways on Goodreads right now.

Check ’em out and good luck.

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On Being In Writing Hell

Third to the last edit.
My writing hell continues.
It is fortunate that one cannot get drunk off coffee.

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Naughty Kitty Doesn’t Like His Photo Taken

Please note: Naughty Kitty, who Darling Laughing Son dropped off, did not want to sit for this book photo.

Also note: I am on a deadline. This is when everything goes rapidly down hill. I start muttering to myself. I eliminate characters while cackling.

I hit the delete button like a mad woman.

I eat junk. Tonight for dinner I had crackers dipped in blue cheese dressing. Yesterday for lunch I had chocolate. My eyes get fuzzy. We run out of normal food.

I actually washed my hair for this shot. Who knows when it will happen again?

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays. Happiness always to you and yours.

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If The Holidays Make You Want To Take Off On Santa’s Sleigh…

Need to escape from your in-laws during the holidays?


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Thanks To The Oregonian!

Oh yaaaay. Thanks to The Oregonian for choosing “No Place I’d Rather Be” for their Gift Guide To Book Worms!

(Cover photo is three rows down, left. It’s the audio cover!)

“Beaverton author Cathy Lamb blends a delightfully quirky family, historical fiction and romance in her newest novel. A chef who left her native state of Montana for a heartbreaking reason ha returned, bringing along two young sisters she promised to protect from their abusive mother. Then she discovers an old family cookbook that finally reveals her grandmother’s painful past.”

As I am on a deadline and everything is going rapidly downhill (hair, eyes, nerves, house, where is Innocent Husband?) this was encouraging news.



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Need A Book For The Weekend?

My three recommendations if you want to lay in front of the fireplace, drink SOMETHING (hot chocolate, wine, beer) and read a book book this weekend…

#PreFridayReads: Cathy Lamb with Three Recs

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Cathy Lamb
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