
Simple. Beautiful. Nature.

I am continuing to look for beautifully simple or simply beautiful gifts in nature.

This one is from my garden, too.

Wishing you all a peaceful day.


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Huge Sale. Almost All My Books Are Cheap At The Moment

Okay. The Book Fairy is obviously in action.

A BUNCH of my books are on sale, on kindle, on Amazon.

I’ve never seen this many on sale at once, so the magic stardust has been sprinkled.

They are ALL less than eight bucks.

Yes, they all cost less than two mochas.

Take a look: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=cathy+lamb


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Beautifully Simple Or Simply Beautiful

I have decided that there is enough negative in the world and I need to look for one thing a day that is simply beautiful or beautifully simple to push my brain in a different direction.

Found these in my own garden…

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My New Book: The Man She Married

My new book, The Man She Married, is out October 30.

A very short summary:

Natalie Shelton is in a coma.
That’s not her only problem.


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I Am Good At Procrastination

Today is the day I must absolutely, positively, without a doubt, start writing my new book. Therefore, I am headed out to my garden in my geeky red gardening boots.

Soon I will be covered in dirt, muttering at my hellebore and cursing the bulbs that died this winter. I will be taking control of the weeds and showing them who’s boss. I will whack away at mean bushes that want to take over my yard like cackling dictators.

At the end of the day I will “remember” that I needed to write, and I will slap my forehead in consternation, but I will be “too tired,” and will write tomorrow. I will promise myself this.

Then I will gleefully wonder which new plants to buy this spring…

I am so impressed with procrastination skills. It has taken me decades to get this good. Happy gardening to all!
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Finding Peace On The Oregon Coast

I go to the Oregon coast to find peace.

Innocent Husband and I were here on Saturday on a date.

I was on a diet that day (torture) so of course we went to our favorite seafood place off a pier and had crab and shrimp sandwiches, clams with butter and garlic and garlic bread.

One must support the fishing industry, after all.

I looked for a chocolate dessert on the menu to support the chocolate industry but they didn’t have one. Please note that I did bravely make the effort.
Wishing you time in your own peaceful place.


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Book Giveaway On My Facebook Page Today!

I’m having a book giveaway on my Facebook page today!

Like my page, scroll down, go to the pinned post with the cover of Such A Pretty Face and answer the question.

Good luck!

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Golfing And Zen Are Not Compatible

Innocent Husband put this book “Zen Golf, Mastering The Mental Game,” on my side of the bed last night.

This book MIGHT have appeared on the bed because I MIGHT have thrown my golf club the last time we golfed because the golf course was DELIBERATELY thwarting me and I MIGHT have said bad words in a loud voice.

I thought my temper was loooong buried and then I started golfing last year.

Why does golf light my hair on fire? And why in the world would Innocent Husband think that a little “Zen Talk” is going to help me? Chocolates, Innocent Husband. Chocolates. That’ll do it.

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Why Writers Should Head Into The Woods

When I was about eight, my parents took my sisters, my brother, and me on a six week camping trip in a tent.

Yes, I said six weeks.

No, my parents had not lost their ever lovin’ minds. My father had a sabbatical, they were sick of the city, and they wanted out.

We all piled into our long black Ford. The Ford had an uncanny and somewhat creepy resemblance to a hearse, but we ignored that part.

We tossed in our dogs, Frisky and Alphy. Frisky bit people, Alphy bit dogs. They were both bad, odd dogs. The Ford, immediately, was in total chaos.

We left Huntington Beach, California and camped up and down California and Oregon in a big, sagging blue tent which we later learned was not waterproof, as advertised.

My mother got a scary case of hypothermia, all three of my siblings threw their guts up because they drank the lake water in Lake of the Woods, the dogs got sick in the middle of the night, and we constantly had to drop by local hospitals so I could get my regular allergy shots so I wouldn’t start wheezing like a freight train.

A lantern dropped on my sister’s head, and she had to be rushed to the hospital for a bunch of stitches. Two days later she fell head first into a pond and soaked the stitches. My father had to dive into a river in Jedediah Smith State Park to rescue my brother who would have drowned had my father not been so quick.

Alphy tried to get in fights with other dogs, and Frisky tried to bite people.

The chaos continued. We persevered.

The result? Overall, we had a fantastic time camping in that saggy blue tent. It was a pivotal moment in my life as I saw the value, and beauty, of nature.

We saw mountain ranges and beaches. Elk and raccoons. Campfires and bears. Sparkling lakes and rushing rivers. For city kids, it started a lifelong love of nature for all of us.

All we had to do was go and play outside.
(Click on the link for the full story….)

Thanks for hosting me on Writers In The Storm, Laura Drake!


Why Writers Should Head Into the Woods

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Going Back To School

Last year I was invited to my old elementary school to talk to the students about writing.

I thought you might like to see some of the pictures they drew of me.

It was interesting walking down the long hallway towards the classroom. All of these long buried emotions came in and I remembered exactly how I felt when I started school there when I was ten.

We moved from Huntington Beach because my dad got a job at a tech company. I was scared to death. It was a hard year. A lot of scary and lonely times for a ten year old!

But I met some wonderful people there who I am still friends with a zillion decades later. Anyhow, thought you might find these pictures fun.

Fir Grove 2 Fir Grove 3 Fir Grove 4 Fir Grove 5 Fir Grove 6

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