
Rockin’ Out With Books And Rock Stars

Since most of us are book addicts here, it seems natural that I should ask you this very important question: Who is your favorite ROCK STAR?

No. Really. Think about it.

Who do you just LOVE?

Who did you rock out with when you were younger? Van Halen? Journey? Styx? The Rolling Stones?

Who did you want to be? The singer? The bass guitarist? Did you want to bang on the drums? Was being in a rock band a dream you tossed around for years?

When I was younger, I listened to KISS, when I could sneak them in.

Now, of course KISS was discouraged in my household.

I had loving, smart, dear parents, but KISS? Well, that pushed it. THEY pushed it. The outrageous costumes. Gene Simmons’ tongue hanging out. The blood. The hard rock. The pounding music.

My father had, at one time, wanted to become a priest but a wife and kids won out. My mother was the product of Texas, her mother an orphaned southern belle. She was an English teacher.

We went to mass every Sunday and CCD on Wednesday nights. We were hardly allowed to watch TV, only The Waltons and Saturday morning cartoons and Bewitched. We were handed books and told to play outside.

We kept it clean in the Straight family home, and KISS, with all that leather and those lyrics, did not fit into our family realm.

And all that just made them more appealing! I was shocked when I saw their costumes, in a fun way.

I recently read Paul Stanley’s autobiography. I gotta tell ya, it’s fascinating. It’s about his childhood, which was very rough and lonely, with parents that did not fill their role well. It’s about his sister and her tragic problems and how he was alone a lot growing up, but had ambition. He had drive. He was absolutely determined to make it as a rock star and he believed in himself.

It’s about the band and their history, their friendships and how it all fell apart. It’s about women and drugs and alcohol and the money aspects of being in the band. It’s about all the people who were around the band – the groupies, the managers, and the money men.

And it’s about Paul Stanley’s journey. How he changed and grew, found what he loved, found himself, matured and found his place with his own people with all the mess that life brings – especially when one is in a rock band.

Definitely a different read for me, and I loved it.

Rock on, read on.

Published with Tall Poppy Writers:


#PreFridayReads: Face the Music: A Life Exposed by Paul Stanley



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Living In Russia In My Head

I was living in Russia in my head.

My brain was filled with facts and it felt like I was swimming upstream in the frozen Moskva River in Moscow with no life jacket.

When I wrote The Language of Sisters, which is about a brave family who escaped Russia in the 1980’s and moved to Oregon, I had to do a TON of research.

Then I had to do more.

And more.

And more until my eyes practically crossed and I could almost hear my brain sizzling, smoke coming out of my ears.

The Language of Sisters is told in current time, in Portland, through the eyes of Toni Kozlovsky, but I had to tell the family’s back story. I had to explain why they left Russia, especially when they escaped with a fourth child in the middle of the night, who was not their own. I had to figure out what happened to them, as a family, as individuals, and the secrets they kept from one another.

So in order to accurately portray the Kozlovskys’ lives in cold, frightening, poor Communist Moscow, I started studying Russian history.

A few of those topics, among others?

  • The history of the Soviet Union/Russia 1890’s – 1991.
  • The Tsar and his family and how they ruled the Soviet Union.
  • The Russian Revolution (What caused it?)
  • Communism
  • Carl Marx
  • Lenin and Stalin
  • The KGB (Dangerous, so very, very dangerous)
  • Christians in the Soviet Union and the consequences for being Christian. (Most hid that they were Christian, punishment was severe, including having your children taken from you.)
  • Food deprivations in the Soviet Union, poverty, life in general, including what it was like to buy from state owned stores with endlessly long lines and live in state run apartment buildings where heat and plumbing were intermittent/non-existent
  • The schools in the Soviet Union and what and how they taught (Rote. Memorization. Brain washing. Speak the party line or get in serious trouble.)
  • Economics and atheism (Illegal to be Christian.)
  • The role of the Russian Orthodox church (The priests sometimes took “confession” from their parishioners and then reported on them to government authorities and then the poor person would disappear.)
  • What threats and punishments a dissenter would face from the government…
  • …which brings me to the gulag, prison, Siberia
  • The Cold War
  • Brezhnev and stagnation in the Soviet Union
  • When, why, and how the Soviet Union broke up

I will not bore you with a longer list or your eyes may cross, too. And who wants smoke to come out of their ears? Not me.

I loved researching Russia history because I didn’t know enough about it and found it harshly, sadly fascinating and, once again, was glad I was born here, and not there.

I hated researching/writing about Russia because it triggered my Type A personality. Which means, I researched, checked, re-checked, and checked again MANY times, to make sure that everything I wrote about the history of this family, while living in Russia, was correct.

I didn’t want to make a mistake. So, about 10% of what I learned about Russia went in the book. 90% was for me so I would know, at least somewhat, what I was talking about.

Here’s the first chapter of the book to give you an idea of what life was like in Russia for my character Toni Kozlovsky.

Chapter 1

I was talented at pickpocketing.

I knew how to slip my fingers in, soft and smooth, like moving silk. I was lightning quick, a sleight of hand, a twist of the wrist. I was adept at disappearing, at hiding, at waiting, until it was safe to run, to escape.

I was a whisper, drifting smoke, a breeze.

I was a little girl, in the frigid cold of Moscow, under the looming shadow of the Soviet Union, my coat too small, my shoes too tight, my stomach an empty shell.

I was desperate. We were desperate.

Survival stealing, my sisters and I called it.

Had we not stolen, we might not have survived.

But we did. We survived. My father barely, my mother only through endless grit and determination, but now we are here, in Oregon, a noisy family, who does not talk about what happened back in Russia, twenty-five years ago. It is best to forget, my parents have told us, many times.

“Forget it happened. It another life, no?” my father says. “This here, this our true life. We Americans now. Americans!”

We tried to forget, but in the inky-black silence of night, when Mother Russia intrudes our dreams, like a swishing scythe, a crooked claw emerging from the ruins of tragedy, when we remember family members buried under the frozen wasteland of the Soviet Union’s far reaches, we are all haunted, some more than others.

You would never guess by looking at my family what some of us have done and what has been done to us. You would never sense our collective memory, what we share, what we hide.

We are the Kozlovskys.

We like to think we are good people.

And, most of the time, we are. Quite good.

And yet, when cornered, when one of us is threatened, we come up swinging.

But, pfft.

All that. In the past. Best to forget what happened.

As my mother says, in her broken English, wagging her finger, “No use going to Moscow in your head. We are family. We are the Kozlovskys. That all we need to know. The rest, those secrets, let them lie down.”

Yes, do.

Let all the secrets lie.

For as long as they’ll stay down.

They were coming up fast. I could feel it.







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Writing Is A Torture, But Cake Is Delicious

All books are torture to write, but one thing I liked about writing No Place I’d Rather Be is all the “studying” I had to do about cakes. Yes, delicious, original, creative cakes.

I pretended I knew how to bake while “studying.”

And now my latest book is on sale. $3.49 on kindle.

Do tell me you will eat cake while reading it. That’s important to me. The book must be delicious.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/No-Place-Id-Rather-Be-ebook/dp/B01N2Q59G8




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A Peek Into My Writing Cave/Garden

Want to see a few photos of my garden?

I was asked to write about my “writing cave” for Tall Poppy Writers and this is what I came up with….

It is rather funny that this column is about “writing caves.”
I don’t have a writing cave. I have a writing garden.

I love to write outside amidst my irises, butterfly bushes, hostas, pink dogwood and pine trees, orange trumpet vines, and
my rhododendrons and azaleas.

I brainstorm with my journal while sitting in one of my blue Adirondack chairs. I turn plots around in my tired brain while staring at my purple wisteria. I try to figure out what the heck is wrong with my story line while wondering why the heck my red geraniums haven’t bloomed.

Click on the link for a tiny bit more garden talk….


A Peek into the Writing Cave of Cathy Lamb

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What I Remember Most Is Super Cheap

I’m at the beach, hoping that by staring at the waves for endless hours a coherent plot line will suddenly, magically appear for my next book, when I see this on Book Bub/Amazon: $2.99 for What I Remember Most.

Here’s an excerpt:

Chapter One

I hear his voice, then hers. I can’t find them in the darkness. I can’t see them through the trees. I don’t understand what’s going on, but their horror, their panic, reaches me, throttles me. They scream the same thing. Run, Grenadine, run! It’s them.

Chapter Two

I needed to hide for awhile. To do that, I had to change my appearance.

I went to a cheap hair salon and had them cut six inches off, to the middle of my shoulder blades, then I had them cut a fringe of bangs. I went home and dyed my hair back to its original auburn color, from the blond it had been the last ten years. I washed it, then dried it with my back to the mirror.

I turned around and studied myself. Yep. That would work.

For the last year I had been Dina Hamilton, collage artist, painter, and blond wife of Covey Hamilton, successful investor. Before that, for almost twenty years, I was Dina Wild. Now I would be Grenady, short for Grenadine Scotch Wild, my real name, with auburn hair, thick and straight.

Yes, I was named after ingredients in drinks.

It has been a curse my whole life. There have been many curses. I am cursed now, and I am packing up and getting the hell out of town.

Central Oregon was a good place for me to disappear from my old life and start a new one. I drove south, then east, the fall leaves blowing off the trees, magenta, scarlet, gold, yellow, and orange. It would be winter soon. Too soon.

I stopped at the first small town. There were a few shops, restaurants, and bars. It had the feel of a Main Street that was barely holding on. There were several storefronts that had been papered over, there were not a lot of people, and it was too quiet.

Still, my goals were clear, at least to me. Eat first, then find a job. I had $520.46 total. It would not last long. My credit and debit cards, and my checking, savings, and retirement accounts for my business and personal use, had been frozen.

I had the $500 hidden in my jewelry box and $20 in my wallet. The change came from under the seat of my car. To say I was in a bad place would be true. Still. I have been in far, far worse places than this. At least I am not in a cage. Sometimes one must be grateful for what is not going wrong.

I tried not to make any pathetic self – pitying noises in my throat, because then I would have pissed my own self off. I went to a park to eat some of the non perishable food I’d brought with me. I ate a can of chili, then a can of pineapple.

When I was done, I brushed my hair. I pulled a few strands down to hide one of the scars on my hairline. I put on makeup so I didn’t look so ghastly. I put extra foundation on the purple and blue bruising over my left eye, brushed my teeth out the car door, and smoothed over my shirt. I was presentable.

I took a deep breath.

This would be the first job I had applied for in many years. I started selling collages and paintings when I was seventeen, and I had not required myself to fill out an application and resume.

I looked into the rearview mirror. My car was packed full of boxes, bedding, bags, and art supplies. My skin resembled dead oatmeal. “You can do it, Grenady.” My green eyes, which I’ve always thought were abnormally and oddly bright, were sad, tired, and beat, as if they were sinking into themselves.

“Come on, Grenady,” I snapped at my own reflection. “You got a moose up your butt? Get it out and get moving.

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Oh now, where would YOU go?

I asked people on my facebook pages this question…

CHOOSE ONE. I’m really trying hard to procrastinate so I don’t have to edit my book, so I’m thinking about vacations. Where would you go for one month if the whole darn, beautiful, fun thing was free?

1) Scotland. Men in kilts. Bagpipes. Rolling hills and mystery.
2) Thailand. Lagoons and an ocean. Lush jungles. History.
3) Alaska. Cruise. Sea life. Animal life. Sunsets. No driving.

And I received these answers….


Beth Haubach Scotland Because of how beautiful I have heard it is. I would love to see the heather in bloom. Or Alaska which is another dream vacation of mine. I want to do Land, sea and rails trip there.




Amy Rogers Alaska- the home of my heart. But I’m not sure I’d want to spend a month on a cruise ship. There’s so much more to see inland as well. Take the train to Fairbanks, see Denali, visit North Pole, fish the Copper and Russian Rivers, drive to Ninilchik- the most western spot you can continuously drive on roads to in North America, see the Homer Spit and leave a dollar on the wall at the Salty Dog, visit Exit Glacier in Seward, and so very much more! And now, I’m homesick. Let’s go, Cathy! I’ll play tour guide!



Cathy Lamb Amy Rogers Definitely calling you if I go to Alaska


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Janet Bailey I’d go back to Alaska with a long stop on Fox Island. I will never forget eating breakfast and watching the eagles swooping near the mountains and a whale spouting not too far off shore in the inlet.



Colleen Bogner Scotland but Thailand is definitely a close second… Though it is on my bucket list to spend time in Denali in Alaska. Don’t have much of an interest in doing a cruise there



Mona McManus Scotland!! I left a piece of my heart there five years ago. Everywhere was postcard perfect, but I especially loved Glencoe and the Isle of Skye. ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



Cynthia Adams Scotland…..It and Ireland are on my bucket list. We cruise to Caribbean locations every year, so it would be nice for a change in scenery.



Anh Luu Eckrosh Easy…#2 Thailand! Been wanting to go back for a long time. Plus, I’m all about lagoons and ocean! 🏝☀️



Carla Suto Scotland. I’ve been before but it was for work so I didn’t have as much time I would have liked to explore.



Carol Ray Thailand because it is beautiful. I would say Scotland but I could go there on my own. Thailand is more of a luxury.



Sheryl Jablonski Hoopes Scotland. There is no doubt. Now, who do I see about this??!




Frances Jurvakainen Williams Scotland. It’s in my gene pool..and how can you resist a man in kilts who speaks with a Scottish brogue🤪😍




Kandjoe Miller Scotland. Luncarty is where my family is from


Tracia Craig I live in Alaska so my choice would be Scotland.



Mary Ruckman Branham Alaska.spent 17 days there and loved it.so gorgeous



Tina Treece-Argo Alaska for sure got family there



Anne Hovey Brandolini A tropical place somewhere, followed by Alaska then ten days in Paris. Ahhhh



Birgitta Handford Thailand; I will always pick a tropical beach!



Tammy Rose Dodson Scotland! I loved visiting that country years ago and would return in a heartbeat! 💕



Pattie Y Gutierrez Scotland… love the kilts… rolling hills… sounds of bagpipes… and those accents!!



Patty W Warren Scotland is the only choice! That country is on my Hubbie and mine bucket list at the top!!



Angela Barlow They all look awesome in pictures. Probably Scotland though. 😃



JoAnn Allen Scully Alaska, but I have to wait 3 years. That is hubby’s retirement trip.



Michelle Traver None of the above. Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher. Only I’d want all the people to be gone.



Charlotte Bono Grisafi Petersburg, AK! My son is living there!



Linda Phillips Pillans This is a difficult choice. But I’m going with #1.



Katy Shandil Costa Rica, swimming with the Dolphins



Sandra Jean Lawrence Did an Alaskan cruise 2 yrs ago. Was wonderful!



Rhonda Johnson #2 for something way different than my normal



Corina Coggon Krautscheid Warm and sunny is always my first choice.



Karen Crouch Alaska… Always been a dream of mine!



Patty Assero Targonski Thailand. Ocean. Lagoons. Wonderful.




Lyn Molyneux Ford Alaska for sure



Deb Small Alaska! 🐻🐋💫




Mandy Boelter Lange Number 1, oh yeah! Bring on the men in the kilts! 😁




Penny McBride #1 for me



Maureen Schreiber Sharp #1 men in kilts! 😉



Denise Bokman #3…although the kilts were a really close second…



Leslie Stacye Lindsay Thailand and Scotland are both on my list. Yes, one of those.



Katie Linder Scotland!



Piepie Baltz Scotland!



Sherie Nash Lived in the north already, Scotland yep…not keen on too much heat either.



BarLee Wood Scotland for sure. So much amazing scenery and the hospitality is reportedly fantastic.




James Travers Any would be awesome. I’m gonna call an audible though. How about Cuba or Brasil?



Cathy Doces Scotland!





Vicki Spillman I like bagpipes. I would say Scotland. But I also love the ocean.



Becky Brock Ridenour Alaska!!! That way my husband would agree to go with me! And we both would love to go there!



Jaymi Couch Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



Aimie Trumbly Runyan I haven’t been to Thailand, but have been to the other two… so yeah, I vote Thailand!



Cathie Armstrong Scotland, hands down!! Those KNEES!!!!!!😂😂😂



Belinda Michael Scotland…I’ve always wanted to go and have never been. My ancestors on my mother’s side are from Scotland. It’s on my bucket list.



Michelle Murphy Scotland! I would love to sit there and just listen to people talk:)




Angelique L’Amour All three are on my list plus Africa and Greece and egypt





Mich Lueken Scotland – without a doubt !





Sarah Patt Thailand. I wanna swim and hold a monkey!Manage



Tammy Aday Scotland!





Kay Bratt Thailand. I’ve been there 3 times so I know how amazing it is and am always ready to go back. 



Cindy Deatherage I am going to Alaska in the middle of June, land/cruise tour!! Come along !!!



Honey Perkel Scotland, for sure. I love that country!!!



Joan Scroggins SCOTLAND!!!!!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



Lori Taylor Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



Patricia Howell White I’ve been on a long Alaskan cruise and I would go again in a heartbeat! I highly recommend it. Never been to Scotland but I’d sure like to go. Ireland too!



Barbara Samuel For my passions: India. For relaxing, New Zealand or England.



Cynthia Dix Scotland.




JT Ellison Scotland. 100 percent.




Terri Johnsen Thailand!



Joyce Ferrell Ocracoke island north carolina u.s. or Scotland, or the Costa del sol ,Spain.



Joyce Ferrell I have been saying for years I was going to go to ocracoke and stay all winter and write my book. Lol. We can come here anytime as my daughter has a small house here. We are on the island this week!




Charolette Romero I think I would choose Scotland because I would get to see a different culture



Nancy Glasgow-Narma Scotland..See where my Grandma and Grandpa Glasgow came from..



Susan Gromis I am of Scottish descent and have never been there, but love the culture!



Leslie Lehr Greece. Instead, this year we’re headed to Wisconsin! (to see Marlys Closser Greenhalgh, though, so that makes up for it.)




Karen Calcagno Thailand!!



Mary McDonough If this doesn’t;t make you want to go…then…??? There is also a part II of the blog!https://www.davidlebovitz.com/eating-dining-and-drinking…/Manage

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You Must Read Them While Eating Cake

The books below that I sweated and cried and laughed hysterically over as I semi-lost my mind, are between three bucks and four bucks at the moment on kindle, at Amazon.

You MUST read them while eating cake, that’s the rule that CANNOT be broken, but other than that, everything else is normal. Happy day to all.







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Cheaper Than A Mocha

The Language of Sisters and my latest, No Place I’d Rather Be, are on sale for $2.99….

Cheaper than a gallon of ice cream. About the same price as making chocolate chip cookies. Less than my favorite mocha.


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Happy Mother’s Day!

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Two Books On Sale For You


$2.99 each for No Place I’d Rather Be and The Language of Sisters.

If you would like to read about fluffy cakes and charming houseboats, history and mystery, sisters and secrets, you might like these books.

This sale will be short and sweet.

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Cathy Lamb
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