
Thank you, Weina Dai Randel!

Thanks to Weina Dai Randel for the review of my new book The Man She Married!
And thanks to Book Trib, too!

Tall Poppy Review: “The Man She Married” From Cathy Lamb Examines Secrets, Family and Lies

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Video – The Man She Married

Take a look at a very cool video that Sharlene Martin Moore made me for my new book The Man She Married.

A little hint: Natalie Shelton is in a coma. That’s not her only problem.

Happy fall, happy reading to all!

Now press play on the video…


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Thanks To Innocent Husband For Being A Sport

Yes, I really did make Innocent Husband pose for this.

Happy Halloween to all!

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There Was So Much She Didn’t Know

Natalie Shelton thought she knew her husband.

She was wrong.

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Cake And A New Book!

I’d love to see you at Powell’s Books on November 13th.

(And yes, once again, I really am serving cake. It’s a cake bribe.)

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USA Today Features The Man She Married!

Thank you, USA Today!

HEA shares an excerpt from romantic thriller The Man She Married by Cathy Lamb, arriving Oct. 30.

About the book:

Natalie Shelton is in a coma.

That’s not her only problem.

A little longer summary for those who are curious:

When Natalie Shelton thinks back to how things were before the car accident, she remembers a great marriage. She and her husband, Zack, seem as strong and dependable together as the houses he builds. They live in Portland, Oregon, and Natalie is co-owner of a successful accounting firm. They’re happy, she’s almost sure of it.

Yet as Natalie lies trapped in a coma, unable to communicate though aware of everything around her, she realizes that her husband is hiding something. Zack has always been reticent about his past, which she attributed to an unhappy childhood. Now the strange calls he’s receiving, the apologies when he thinks she can’t hear him, and her fragmented memories from the morning of the accident suggest a deeper secret.

When she finally awakens, Natalie is determined to find out the truth. Sorting through clues as her brain heals, she realizes she has a rare opportunity—to reexamine the life she’s made and the man she’s made it with. But as answers come to light, she faces surprising, heartrending decisions, as well as a danger that could upend her world once again, as Zack’s past finally catches up with them …


Exclusive excerpt: ‘The Man She Married’ by Cathy Lamb


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She’s In A Coma. That’s Not Her Only Problem.

Natalie Shelton thought she knew her husband.

She didn’t.


Out on Tuesday, just in time for Halloween!

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A Spooky Halloween Book Sale

Need a book for Halloween for under five bucks?

These are all on sale, on kindle.

May your night be spooky and wild in a literary sort of way.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=cathy+lamb

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Happy To Come To Your Book Group!

I FINALLY remembered to post a photo of a book group I visited. If you would like me to visit your book group, I’m happy to come.

Skype works well!

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I Made Innocent Husband Dress Like The King Of Hearts

My next book, The Man She Married, is out on October 30th, so of course it makes sense that I had Innocent Husband dress up as the King of Hearts.

A short and sweet summary: Natalie Shelton is in a coma. That’s not her only problem.

There’s humor in it, I promise!

Amazon, less than ten bucks: https://www.amazon.com/Man-She-Married-Cathy-Lamb-ebook/dp/B079KTVHGD




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Cathy Lamb
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