
Crazy Elf Is Here Again

Do not tell Innocent Husband, but I am already planning what dessert to bake so that I can win our annual Lamb Fam Dessert Bake Off.

This is a crazy elf sort of thing to do, but plans must be made so Mrs. Cathy Claus can win.

(Cue evil laughter, please.)


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How Well Do You Know Your Husband?

Books make great gifts for the holidays!

A short and sweet little summary for the elves on your list:

Natalie Shelton thought she knew her husband.

She was wrong.


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Reading Your Way Through The Holidays

Need a book to get you through the holidays?

The first few lines of each…

What I Remember Most: I hear his voice, then hers. I can’t find them in the darkness. I can’t see them through the trees. I don’t understand what’s going on, but their horror, their panic, reaches me, throttles me. They scream the same thing: Run, Grenadine, run!

No Place I’d Rather Be: November, 1945. Kalulell, Montana.

Her hands shook as she held the cookbook. It was old, the leather cover cracked, the pages blackened by fire around the edges. Blood stains were splattered on more than one recipe, words smeared by tears and tea on others…the recipes within it had been handed down through five generations of women, starting with her great-great-great grandmother. They were written in four languages, across three countries.

The Language of Sisters: I was talented at pick pocketing. I knew how to slip my fingers in, soft and smooth, like moving silk. I was lightning quick, a sleight of hand, a twist of the wrist. I was adept at disappearing, at hiding, at waiting, until it was safe to run, to escape. I was a whisper, drifting smoke, a breeze.

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Best To Read This Book With Cake

A 105 year old cookbook.

Six generations of women.

Four countries, four languages.

One mystery.

No Place I’d Rather Be is on sale on Amazon for less than ten bucks. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N2Q59G8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect

If you like reading about chefs making delicious food…and you’d like to spend the holidays in Montana…and you like a little history in your books and a little romance, funny characters and real life, you might like this one.

Best to read with cake.

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Super Cheap Christmas Stories

Need a few Christmas stories to read with your hot chocolate/wine/beer/rum?

These will help you block out your in-laws if you need to, I promise.

All are on sale…super cheap.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Props, Presentations, And Being A Cool Cat

Scared to death to make a speech?

Would you rather wrestle an alligator?

Wander around in the dessert with no wine or water?

Live in Antarctica in a tent?

Take a look at this article I wrote for Writers In The Storm.


Being a Cool Cat While Making Presentations

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A Twisty, Quirky Sense of Humor

I have a twisty/quirky sense of humor.
These are the strips of paper that I had Innocent Husband read aloud last night, one at a time, when I spoke at Powell’s Books.
These are the things I was thinking of when trying to figure out the plot for The Man She Married last year.
He had no idea he was coming up to speak, and that is where my twisty/quirky sense of humor comes in…
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Cake Bribe. I’ll Be At Powell’s On Tuesday Night

What are your plans for Tuesday night, November 13th?

I’ll be at Powell’s Books in Cedar Hills in Beaverton talking about my new book The Man She Married.


And yes, we’re serving cake. Chocolate, if you must know. And maybe some cookies….


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Gone Girl, The Man She Married, And A Miracle

Well this is a dang MIRACLE.
I never make this kind of list.
Book Bub has named “The Man She Married” as one of the “best psychological thriller books of the fall.”
If you like Gone Girl, they say, you might like The Man She Married.
Well, I liked Gone Girl, so I’ll take this! Anyone want a thriller/women’s fiction/love story?
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Goblins And Voting By Mail In Oregon


This is how we vote in Oregon – by MAIL. Unfortunately, the M and M’s do not come with it.

Everyone should vote by mail in this country. The only reason NOT to vote by mail is if there are leaders in your state who are evil and sneaky and want to smother voter turn out, particularly in certain neighborhoods where they know they will not win. Those snakes.


Here is what happens with Vote By Mail:

A ballot comes to my LOCKED mail box. I open it with my handy dandy key. I take the ballot and talk to my cat who has followed me outside. We have a nice conversation. Next I go to the fridge and open it and say, “What the HELL am I going to burn for dinner tonight for Innocent Husband?”

I decide I should work instead. Which means, as a writer, I sit on the couch and I daydream and pretend to work. When I am exhausted from day dreaming, I look for chocolate for nutritional purposes.

Innocent Husband comes home and he makes dinner because I have clearly had a tough day. We watch a show together that does not stress either of us out like Lottery Dream Home (we’re going to win the lottery soon) or Log Cabin Living. (No, Innocent Husband, we are not moving to a deserted log cabin in the woods because I am not a hermit. No. No. I said NO.)


I open up the ballot when Innocent Husband conks out for the night, a friendly cat sleeping on his chest. I vote by filling in the little circles. I vote for people who are not going to take away my healthcare as Innocent Husband and I are self-employed.

Politicians who want to allow insurance companies to deny healthcare in future for people you love dearly who have pre-existing conditions or charge them more are HORRIBLE HEALTHCARE MONSTERS. If the HORRIBLE HEALTHCARE MONSTERS win this time around, we could have a problem here.

I put the ballot in the envelope you see above and skip out to my locked mailbox and off it goes. I begin another conversation with my cat who has, again, trailed me outside. What am I, the Pied Cat Piper? I tell him to get inside or the coyotes will eat him for dinner.

We do not have voter fraud here with Vote By Mail, so do not let Lying, Creepy Politicians who want to shut down certain voters make you believe it.

There are no human goblins that smash into mail boxes and scurry away with ballots in the middle of the night. There is no one working for, or volunteering with, the elections who tries to rig it with a Malicious, Mercurial Master Plan. There are no problems at all.

We don’t stand in line in the rain or snow. We don’t have to leave work to vote. We don’t have to miss a kid’s soccer game.

It’s easy. And you can even eat M and M’s while voting. It makes voting taste better and that is the truth.


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Cathy Lamb
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