
The Language Of Sisters Is On Sale For Two Bucks

I have no idea why but my book, The Language of Sisters, is on sale for less than two bucks!

Here’s an excerpt…

Chapter 1
I was talented at pick pocketing.

I knew how to slip my fingers in, soft and smooth, like moving silk. I was lightning quick, a sleight of hand, a twist of the wrist. I was adept at disappearing, at hiding, at waiting, until it was safe to run, to escape.

I was a whisper, drifting smoke, a breeze.

I was a little girl, in the frigid cold of Moscow, under the looming shadow of the Soviet Union, my coat too small, my shoes too tight, my stomach an empty shell.

I was desperate. We were desperate.

Survival stealing, my sisters and I called it.

Had we not stolen, we might not have survived.

But we did. We survived. My father barely, my mother only through endless grit and determination, but now we are here, in Oregon, a noisy family, who does not talk about what happened back in Russia, twenty-five years ago. It is best to forget, my parents have told us, many times.

“Forget it happened. It another life, no?” my father says. “This here, this our true life. We Americans now. Americans!”

We tried to forget, but in the inky-black silence of night, when Mother Russia intrudes our dreams, like a swishing scythe, a crooked claw emerging from the ruins of tragedy, when we remember family members buried under the frozen wasteland of the Soviet Union’s far reaches, we are all haunted, some more than others.

You would never guess by looking at my family what some of us have done and what has been done to us. You would never sense our collective memory, what we share, what we hide.

We are the Kozlovskys.

We like to think we are good people.

And, most of the time, we are. Quite good.

And yet, when cornered, when one of us is threatened, we come up swinging.

But, pfft.

All that. In the past. Best to forget what happened.

As my mother says, in her broken English, wagging her finger, “No use going to Moscow in your head. We are family. We are the Kozlovskys. That all we need to know. The rest, those secrets, let them lie down.”

Yes, do.

Let all the secrets lie.

For as long as they’ll stay down.

They were coming up fast. I could feel it.

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What Does Innocent Husband REALLY Need To Know?

There are some things Innocent Husband doesn’t need to know.

How much money I spend on gardening and flowers is one of them.

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A Ferrari From My Father

When I was sixteen I told my dad I wanted a car for my birthday.

He laughed. There was about the same chance that he would walk in the front door with a giraffe on a leash as there was for me to get a car.

My dad was a great guy. Engineer, super fascinated by the first computer he saw which was the size of a large room. His own childhood had many challenges, and he made sure his kids did not have the same challenges.

He worked hard, was kind, and loved our mom.

He taught his kids a lot about money management. He told me, “Cathy, ALWAYS have savings. It’s not IF you will be hit with a financial disaster, it’s WHEN.”

So, in accordance with a VERY conservative money outlook, his parents survived the depression after all, there would be no cars for his kids on their sixteenth birthdays.

However, he did buy me the almost-exact model of this red Ferrari. It fit in the palm of my hand.

“Happy Birthday,” he told me. “Here’s your car, Cathy.”

When I saw this Ferrari outside of my local Starbucks it brought back all those sweet memories of my late father.

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Writing And Confusion

For various reasons, it’s been a really long day today.

I was signing my book “The Man She Married” for a book giveaway and lost a few brain cells.

Can you see the mistake?

Yes. Tired. Yes. Confused. Yes, I need to go to bed.

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Julia’s Chocolates Is Sweetly On Sale

Julia’s Chocolates was my first book.

After MANY rejections of other books, this was my last attempt into the publishing world, at least for awhile. If this one didn’t sell, I was going back to teaching school.

I was with my kids and my dad camping in a trailer on Orcas Island when I found out that it sold. To celebrate, my father made us buttermilk pancakes. It was a very sweet moment.

Julia’s Chocolates is on sale for less than six bucks on Amazon on kindle.

It’s about a woman who threw her wedding dress into a dead tree on a deserted street in North Dakota and took off for Oregon to begin a whole new life.

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What I Remember Most Is On Sale For Less Than Three Bucks

Hello everyone,

My book, “What I Remember Most” is on sale for $2.99 on kindle if you need a spring break book.

This is the first chapter. It’s rather short:

I hear his voice, then hers.

I can’t find them in the darkness. I can’t see them through the trees.

I don’t understand what’s going on, but their horror, their panic, reaches me, throttles me.

They scream the same thing.

Run, Grenadine, run!

It’s them.

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Teaching Students To Write

One of the best things about writing books is teaching students a little bit about writing!

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My Book Put My Cat To Sleep

If you need a book for spring break, The Man She Married is my latest.

Hopefully it will not put you to sleep like it did Leroy, our very naughty cat who has ripped up our couch, chases our old cat, and insists on sleeping by Innocent Husband at night.

A summary? Natalie Shelton is in a coma. That’s not her only problem.

I PROMISE there is laughter in this story, too.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Man-She-Married-Cathy-Lamb-ebook/dp/B079KTVHGD

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The Craziness Continues

This is the kind of thing that Innocent Husband makes me do while he stands back and laughs.

Yes, I ran toward about 200 geese and made them fly in the air.

I think they thought a monster dressed in black was coming to eat them by the way I was hooting at them.

We are hitting our 26th anniversary tomorrow.

The craziness continues.

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Looking UP!

One of my goals this year is to look UP more, so I don’t miss out on beautiful sunsets like this one.

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