
The Let’s Twist Again List

A surprising list…

Thanks to Book Trib and Hank Phillippi Ryan.

My book, The Man She Married made the Let’s Twist Again: Eight Books That Will Surprise You List.

That book was a surprise to me, too. One strange, scary idea followed after the other. Sometimes I just don’t know where my mind is going…

By Hank Phillippi

It’s lucky that Twitter wasn’t invented when The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was published. Can you imagine? Within 15 minutes, somebody would’ve posted: Oh Em Gee, can you believe that ending? And then everybody would’ve read Agatha Christie’s classic in a different way. It’s always been a debate for me whether books should be promoted with: wow, what a surprise ending! Because then you read the book differently, right? You’re looking for that ending. And once you look for it, the mystery is gone. Still, though, gotta admit. It’s fun to know.

And sometimes it doesn’t matter.  I don’t fear a spoiler by telling you that Dorothy‘s trip to Oz was the result of a head injury. You’ve all read the iconic Gone Girl, and you know how brilliantly amazing that was. And the twist of all twists, in The Sixth Sense.

We also know that when it doesn’t work, a twist can become iconic for its own failure. I’m talking about you, Dallas.

A successful twist offers an alternative but logical way of looking at the same story. Using the plot puzzle pieces to put together the story’s picture, and then having the author say to you, as I do in The Murder List, “Wait, you think you have that puzzle put together correctly? Flip it over, readers, and see what’s on the other side. Now what do you think?”

We as readers want to be surprised. We want to have something happen at the end that is unanticipated, and yet, inevitable. Something we could have figured out if we had just been smart enough. The Usual Suspects works, right? We should have seen it coming.  And yet, we didn’t. Presumed Innocent, too. Scott Turow totally nailed it.

When a wise author uses the twist, it means they understand readers’ expectations and understand what a reader relies on, and then—lures them into expecting exactly the same thing. Then, boom, twist. The Twilight Zone and Rod Serling are the godfathers of jaw-dropping twists. Oh my goodness, it’s a zoo! How did we not see that?

The fabulous Katherine Nazzaro of Trident Books in Boston and I were discussing twists (in particular the questionable one in The Speckled Band) and why they work.

“They can’t be a gimmick,” she wisely said. “They have to be seamlessly built into the book. And the reader must be surprised, but not annoyed. ” Yeah,” I said, “So if you read the book again, the twist isn’t a spoiler, it’s a fascinating look into the writer’s talent and technique.”

At the risk of giving away that there’s a twist at all, these eight books—some new, some classics—do it.  I won’t say much about each one, because you know, you have to read them for yourself.   And then—read them again. They’ll still be surprising, and maybe even more so.

  1. The Age of Innocence. I don’t want to ruin it, but I can say a perfectly reliable narrator does something and says something that’s not true in order to make someone else do something and it changes the whole book. Got that? I gasped with shock when I read it. Edith Wharton, my true fave, with her keen ear and whip-smart psychological manipulation, does it again.
  2. Murder on the Orient Express. Agatha Christie’s classic. Maybe-not-so-strangers on a train. I remember the first time I read this–I was maybe twelve. Are you kidding me? I bet I shouted. A true tour de force of the Rubik’s cube surprise.
  3. Jessica Strawser’s Not That I Could Tell. And I won’t. But in this contemporary domestic suspense with a video camera as a main player, there’s a turn-the-lens switch big enough that I was compelled to go back and re-read the whole thing. Wait—how did she do that?
  4. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. A therapist tries to discover why one of his patients refuses to talk about what happened to her husband—or about anything else. I sat down in my office chair just to read a page or two, and did not budge. Until at one point when I leaped up in delight, so quickly I almost knocked over my chair. Gorgeously written, and a master class in using the truth to tell lies.
  5. Cathy Lamb’s twist on the twist in The Man She Married –She’s in a hospital bed, and no one thinks she’s hearing what people around her bed are saying.  She can. But she cannot respond, or ask questions—she can only speculate. And that is…not healthy. In this domestic suspense, the locked room is someone’s own brain and imagination.
  6. I Let You Go, by Clare Macintosh. Are you kidding me? This touching and tender look at maternal responsibility (and regret) is a definite (and twisted) must-read. I gasped. More I cannot say. Okay, I can. Wait for it.
  7. Lisa Unger’s The Stranger Inside. This perfectly titled psychological thriller about guilt and remorse and unrequited love telegraphs its secret— but, when you think about it, no it doesn’t.  Whether you figure it out (good luck with that) or if you simply go along for the riveting ride, the story-in-a-story braids together perfectly.
  8. Shutter Island. Want to start an argument among authors in a bar? Ask how they feel about the ending of  Dennis Lehane’s Shutter Island. Those on my side will stand and applaud, what a brilliant brilliant idea. And it works, go back through the book, everything is there. If you haven’t read this, go, do it now.

Tell us more, you demand? I can’t. It’s difficult (and almost unfair) to give anything more away. But I would love to chat with you about whether “the twist” should even be mentioned in polite conversation. When the movie of Agatha Christie’s Witness for the Prosecution was first released, there was a slide at the end that said something like “The management would appreciate if yours would not reveal the ending of this movie.” Same goes for all of these.




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For People Who Like Cake And Reading About Cake

Four more days…

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Come Meet Innocent Husband

Come and see me at Powell’s Books!

I’ll talk about my new book, All About Evie, and then we can sit around and eat cake together.

Innocent Husband will be there, too, of course. I’ll have to be thinking of ways to, yet again, put him up front and center with me. Let’s see, I’ve made him swing his golf club in front of you all, read my book aloud, recite funny stuff about us and our marriage…what comes next?

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For People Who Love Books, Cake, And Tea


Seven more days and my new book, ALL ABOUT EVIE, will be out and running about on bookshelves…Well, maybe not RUNNING.

Set on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands, Evie Lindsay owns a bookstore called Evie’s Books, Cakes, and Teas. She has had premonitions her whole life. In one of those premonitions, a premonition that has stalked her, scared her for decades, she dies. Maybe. Probably. Could be. Definitely someone dies.

On the other hand there is Marco, the veteran and the veterinarian, whom she loves but cannot be with, and her mother and aunts who always wear flowered hats and sometimes dance on bars and lead raucous sing-a-longs.

I so hope you like it. It’s less than ten dollars on Amazon kindle.
Happy reading to all.

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Mother Nature Is Rockin’ It

Pink leaves.

Yes, pink.

Mother Nature really rocks it.


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All About Evie…10 Days To Go

Hello everyone,

My new book, All About Evie, is out in ten days!

Yikes. I’m crossing my fingers!

Here’s a REALLY short summary: Premonitions and a DNA test. What could go wrong?

And a little LONGER summary: As a child, Evie Lindsay was unnerved by her premonitions. As an adult, they have become a simple fact of life—sometimes disruptive but also inescapable, much like her quirky, loveable family.  Evie’s mother, Poppy, and her aunts, Camellia and Iris, are well known on San Orcanita island for their free-spirited ways and elaborately decorated hats.

Their floral shop and Evie’s bookstore draw streams of visitors all summer long. This season promises to be extra busy: Evie’s sister, Jules, is getting married on the island.

As Jules plans her unconventional wedding, she arranges to do a DNA test with her mother, sister, and aunts, to see how much accepted lore about their heritage holds true. The results blow apart everything Evie has grown up believing about herself and her family.

Spurred on by the revelations, Evie uncovers the real story of her past. But beyond her feelings of shock and betrayal, there are unexpected opportunities—to come to terms with a gift that has sometimes felt like a curse, to understand the secrets that surrounded her childhood, and to embrace the surprising new life that is waiting for her . . .

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NCPSX2X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

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(This sounds odd!) The Man She Married Is On Sale For $2.99

Hello everyone,

Need a cheap fall book?

The Man She Married is on sale for less than three buckeroos.

Natalie Shelton is married to a man named Zack.
She loves him dearly.
He lied to her about who he was and where he was from.
Now his lies have caught up to them.

Not as grim as it sounds, I promise you.

There are funny scenes, too, like the Naked Bike Ride through the streets of Portland. (Yes, we really do have this ride here.)

Wishing you a happy fall.


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Can’t Write? Grab A Hedge Trimmer

Oh, yeah.

This is how a burned out writer spends her time.

If you can’t write, get out a hedge trimmer and go crazy in your garden.

Six full yard debris bins (thanks to all the neighbors!) and two bags full of garden junk later, and I feel a little more peaceful.

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Goodreads Giveaway All About Evie

Hello everyone,

Goodreads is currently hosting a giveaway for my new book “All About Evie.”

36 books.

Click on the link to enter and good luck.


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Want To Read A Chapter From All About Evie?

DNA tests and premonitions. What can go wrong?

Here’s a chapter from my new book, All About Evie, out October 29th…

I can’t always see the future, but now and then, curse it all, I can.

It’s been a plague my whole life.

I started having premonitions as a kid. I would see the future for someone. Sometimes it was scary, or bad, and sometimes it was wonderful. It led to a whole lot of mental distress and trying to save people, or choosing not to save people, and committing minor crimes along the way, like breaking and entering, trespassing, small robberies, destruction of property, hiding things people owned like their car keys so they couldn’t drive, one time locking my favorite librarian up in her home so she wouldn’t get hit by a train, things of that nature.

All of my tiny criminal acts or legal interventions have been to slow someone down so that the premonition will pass them by. So many times in life an accident hits that if you waited one minute, one, it would have shot past you. I try to make that minute happen. All the crimes were necessary. I don’t regret any of them. I knew what was going to happen to those people—innocent people, often friends, people I loved and cared about—if I didn’t.

That’s the curse of having premonitions: You know what’s upcoming for people.

You may have to become a criminal momentarily to save them.

But I have had one premonition off and on my whole life, starting when I was about five years old.

In that premonition there are two women, one of them me, and one of us dies. I don’t know if it’s me or the other woman who heads up the golden staircase to heaven. I have not been able to figure this out, which is strange.

My endings for my other premonitions are all quite clear, but there’s a fuzziness here, as if the premonition doesn’t even know precisely who is dead at the end of it.

I don’t know who the other woman is. I don’t know how old I’ll be. I don’t know when it will happen. What I do know is that I’m driving on a road, wide enough for only one car, alongside a mountain on my right. On my left side is a steep cliff. The ocean is in the distance, peeking through the pine trees, and there’s a whole bunch of orange poppies. I see the oncoming car, and we both swerve, and crash.

Sometimes one car shoots over the cliff, sometimes both cars. Sometimes there’s an earsplitting explosion, crackling flames and black smoke bubbling up from the bottom of the cliff, sometimes not. Sometimes we’re sandwiched together, teetering over the cliff, up and down, sometimes not. It’s blurry, this premonition. Like rain is blurring the full photo, but there is no rain.

It’s troubling to know that a car crash, on a cliff, may kill me.

Or it may not.

Other than the premonitions? I am utterly, completely normal.

Which means that I’m one hot mess.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NCPSX2X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Powell’s Books: https://www.powells.com/book/all-about-evie-9781496709851

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Cathy Lamb
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