
On Tears and Laughter and Henry’s Sisters

Henry’s Sisters is the book I cried over the most as I wrote it.

It hit on a really hard personal loss I’d had. I was working through – and not very well – the death of my beloved father. But I wanted humor in my life at that time, too, so I blended both – the laughter and the tears, which so often go together in life, don’t they?

Henry’s Sisters is on sale for $3.99 on kindle.

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m giving away two books on my Facebook pages, so head on over!




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And On My Walk A Funny Thing Happened…

When I’m on my walks, I always look for curious/ beautiful/ inspiring scenes or leaves or sunsets or fluffy clouds…

This is what I saw on my walk today.

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Writing Burnout And A Creative Board

So today marks 13 months, one week and three days of writing burnout.

But, aha! Tonight, I got some writing mojo – energy back and made a creative board. It was very high tech: I used magazines and glue sticks.

Thought you might like to see it.

The writing process of a tired/coffee-drinking/daydreaming/mom/wife/ writer starts here.

Now if only a story will come to me…

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Cat Woman

I’ve turned into an old cat woman.

Yes, my cat wanted to drink out of a glass so I helped him…what next?

He’ll sit at the table with me and I’ll hand him a fork?

I’ll tuck a pink napkin into his collar?

He’ll have his own cat and mouse salt and pepper shakers? It’s bad enough I talk to him and expect him to respond.

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Happy New Year!

Wishing you peace, joy, and laughter in 2020.

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Nine Dollars and Two Pennies

I have no idea why my book is on sale for nine dollars and two – yes TWO – pennies, but there it is if you need a book for 2020.

The short summary? Evie Lindsay owns a bookstore on an island and has premonitions. Unfortunately, her premonitions never told her what a DNA test will reveal…

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On Making Strange Christmas Houses

Annual Christmas “house” decorating with the Lamb Fam – Me, Innocent Husband, Rebel Dancing Daughter, Darling Laughing Son, and Adventurous Singing Daughter plus Brother The Firefighter, Wendi Smiles, and Nephew Noah.

As you can see, we’re a little non-traditional. The titles/explanation of each “Christmas” house from each person is below. Maybe match them with the photos if you have nothing else to do or are drinking a lot of wine…

1) The Tower of Babel, climbed by brave gummy bears.

2) Yellow Temple of the Rejects.

3) It’s not Noah’s Ark. It’s “Noah’s Submarine.” Who knew that Noah built a submarine?

4) The Pantheon. A quick message from Wendy Smiles, “Please note that I used no glue. Should I get an award for that? The no-glue award, maybe?”

5) A pit of hell surrounded by the Seven Deadly Sins, which sparked many discussions about those sins. The artist used snakes for obvious reasons.

6) Three wise men and a little salmon. (Built by Innocent Husband, of course. I think he was hungry.)

7) Mars. Where we will live soon because there are actually people out there who do not believe in global warming, despite all scientific evidence pointing to the fact that we are melting.

8) Worm Gladiator Fight. You didn’t know that worms fought?

Don’t other families do stuff like this?

Happy New Year to all!

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And The Snowman Says…

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

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Need A Christmas Book With A Little Romance?

I love writing these short stories.

If I could write them all the time, I’d sit down with Mrs. Claus and scribble them out.

A Very Merry Christmas is set in Helena, Montana. Meredith owns a bed and breakfast and is raising her niece and nephew as her irresponsible sister has decided to run off and “find herself.” Meredith is also in charge of the town’s pageant and dealing with quirky neighbors. A little love, a little healing, and a LOT of Christmas celebration in this one.

Less than seven dollars. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Very-Merry-Christmas-Cathy-Lamb-ebook/dp/B01DRXCGPS

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Cathy Lamb
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