
If Your Table Breaks Use Grape Nuts

This is how to fix a table during Covid.
During a family dinner, the dining room table I inherited from my late parents suddenly collapsed. Innocent Husband, Darling Laughing Son and Rebel Dancing Daughter and I caught it as it almost wobbled our plates into our laps.
It was quite exciting in a culinary sort of way.
It’s hard to get a carpenter out right now, so we “fixed” it. Who knew that Ritz Crackers and Grape Nuts would be so helpful?
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Dancing A Rain Dance

After being covered in thick smoke for days, after our air clocked in as “hazardous,” after being stuck inside so our lungs wouldn’t fill with all sorts of toxins, it’s finally raining where I live in Oregon.
We can breathe again.
I think I will do a rain dance. I will look ridiculous, perhaps a blend of a robot and a spinning, grinning Tasmanian Devil but some things have to be done.
Wishing you rain if you need it…
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Stomping In The Dahlias

I just deleted about 8,000 words out of the book I’m writing.

It took about 20 minutes.

I may have cackled.

I may have said bad words.

I’m somewhat surprised I didn’t delete the whole dang thing…

I need to go stomp around in my garden now.


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My Story Put My Cat To Sleep

I told Simon The Cat my story idea and this is what he thought of it.

(Ya know you have been inside from Covid too long when you talk to your cats as if they can answer back in English.)


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A Different Kind of Normal

Some characters come to me and I know who they are in an instant.

That’s how I felt about Tate in A Different Kind of Normal. I could hear his voice, I could see him.

He’s a kid with an over-sized head with a huge dream and a big heart.

I put in a little history about the legend of witches in the family, a woman named Jaden Bruxelle who doesn’t like to believe all that stuff about herbs and curses, and an irreverent mother who is a soap star actress in Hollywood.

It’s a story about family, love, laughter, and following your dreams no matter how many obstacles are standing smack in the middle of your way.

If ya need a book, it’s on sale for $7.23. Yep. That’s an odd price.

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Cut Up Your Manuscript With Scissors

Well, it’s that time again.

I write yet another draft of a book and then I grab my scissors with a semi-crazy look in my tired eyes and start cutting it up. I gleefully use a stapler, too, for good measure.

I usually have cookies on hand to adhere to ‘Cathy’s Healthy Eating Diet’ and I mutter things like, “You are a terrible writer…this is a terrible book…I can’t believe you wrote that, Cathy. Why on Earth did you think that was a plausible idea?…that character is ridiculous, delete him, don’t argue with me he IS ridiculous…you should have been a carpenter and why do you have to eat THAT many cookies?”

So pleasant, that voice inside my head.

The glorious life of a writer continues.

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Wishing Everyone Flowers

I read the news then head to the garden to look at something pretty.

I think we all need a lot more pretty right now.

Wishing everyone well.

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Walk With The Wind

“So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide.”

— US Rep John Lewis, son of sharecroppers, minister, Civil Rights leader, Freedom Fighter who was beaten multiple times with fists, baseball bats, chains, lead pipes, and stones, but still stood up, yet again, and again, to fight for equal rights.

January 3, 1987 – July 17, 2020.

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Biking and Crashing With Innocent Husband

Innocent Husband and I went on a bike ride.

He had an inelegant small crash and left skin from his elbow on the pavement. He said bad words.

The arthritis in my hands screamed at me, “WE ARE NEVER BIKING AGAIN, CATHY, NEVER.”

My butt and Innocent Husband’s butt both really hurt and I told him that I did not want a “cool-looking” bike anymore but a pretty blue bike with a huge flowered seat and a basket in front so I could bring lemonade, cookies, and my kindle on our future bike rides.

He rolled his eyes at me and I did not run him over when he did that because I am serious about that pretty blue bike and flowered basket.

We had to stop at a bench and “take a load off” because we were tired. He put his arm around me and we felt like two, old, long-married people watching the world ride by. We laughed at that.

When we were sufficiently rested from our adventure we creaked up, bones protesting, and hobbled back over to the bikes to finish our ride.

We had a great time. I told him he looked pretty darn cute.

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Need A Laugh?

If you need a book to get through life right now, all of these books are under 10 bucks.

Yes, I made sure to put in laughing scenes.

I think I just made up a new phrase – laughing scenes. But sheesh. We need a laugh right now.

Wishing you good health and peace during this difficult time.

(Now I COULD make all these book covers exactly the same size and shape but, eh. That would take too much effort and we have raspberry pie and I must have some. Go and eat some pie or cake. We deserve it.)

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cathy-Lamb/e/B001IGO5L0


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