Breast Power Psychic Night And A Pink House
My weekly check to see which of my books are on sale… Julia’s Chocolates ($7.99 on kindle right now) was my first book. If this one didn’t sell, after many rejections, I was going back to teaching school.
This book is for people who would be comfortable reading a scene titled, “Breast Power Psychic Night,” and, “Your Hormones And You: Taking Cover, Taking Charge Psychic Night.”
It’s for people who would like a house in the country painted pink with a black door to ward off seedy men and giant ceramic pigs in the front named for men the owner doesn’t like.
It’s for people who like reading about women whose lives are falling apart, but who still dance with love and hope in their hearts.
I sure as heck am glad it sold. I liked teaching, but it was exhausting.
Happy day to all.