To Be Healthier in 2018, Clean Less
I have already learned something very, very important in 2018.
I will tell you a short and, hopefully, enlightening story.
On New Year’s Eve afternoon I was hit with a mental thunderbolt. It just came out of the blue and smacked me in the cranium.
The thunderbolt told me to immediately clean the attic. The attic had never been cleaned, but I did it because I obey mental thunderbolts. Around this time, I also cleaned out two drawers that were filled with junk, muttering as I went.
Shortly after this cleaning spree, I got sick.
A tiny bit sick, not the flu. But still. Yuck.
So, I sat and thought about all this as I whined in bed. I put my thinking cap on. Why did I get sick, I asked myself, oh why? Right then, another mental thunderbolt struck. Smacked me again.
After hours of analysis and evaluation I came to this medically sound and scientific conclusion:
Too much cleaning = Sickness.
It was obvious. I had cleaned too much!
Therefore, to guard against sickness and keep myself healthy, I vow to clean less in 2018. In place of cleaning (= sickness), I vow to date Innocent Husband more. I vow to use that spare time to call and pester Darling Laughing Son, Adventurous Singing Daughter, and Rebel Dancing Daughter to call and visit me more.
I vow to spend more time laughing with my girlfriends, reading, walking, and daydreaming, and less time sweeping.
Happy 2018! Play more, clean less.