September 01, 2024

New Book Coming Soon…She’s Going to do Something Daring

I’ve been asked what my new book – coming out soon – is about.
This story is different from any other book I’ve ever written. My motivation, as always, was the same: To write a book that YOU would love, and laugh through, and tear up a bit…before laughing again.
Yes, I think a lot about YOU when I write.
But my main character is 70 years old, which is older than my usual main characters. Ruthie is a widowed, retired English teacher (like my own mother!) who loves books. She is blunt and sarcastically funny and has a huge, rebellious family who own a tequila business in central Oregon and delight in target shooting, jumping in Rattlesnake Lake, and raucous parties that sometimes might, maybe, get a little out of hand.
Oh, and Ruthie’s pet dogs, cats, pig, and rabbit express their own opinions.
Ruthie is going to do something daring. Something out of character. Something that will have consequences even she doesn’t see coming because she has ULTERIOR MOTIVES.
See? Definitely different.
I hope you like it. It’s almost ready to launch…
The man below is Innocent Husband. We’re in Montana at my sister’s place. Those are the Swan Mountains. Innocent Husband does NOT have ulterior motives. His motivations are quite clear. 1. Hang out with Adventurous Singing Daughter, Rebel Dancing Daughter, and Darling Laughing Son and me. 2. Golf. 3. Fish.
Have a good week everyone.
May be an image of 1 person and smiling
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Cathy Lamb
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