July 29, 2024

Writing a Christmas Book in Summer

Well, I did it. Darling Laughing Son told me to put up a Christmas tree so I would be in the spirit to write my Christmas book.
I grabbed a few trees, a Santa who looks like he needs a nap, and a 50 year old wreath. I can almost hear the reindeer flying overhead.
Don’t mind the snail! My kids gave that to me and I didn’t want to leave him out. He’s slow but steady. Kind of how I’m writing my book.
The main character’s name is Bellini. Yes, like the drink.

She writes books for kids. She calls herself a “lonely house hermit,” and has four cats.
Bellini has been called home to work at her mother’s bar in Montana, as her mother has had her uterus “stolen” by the doctor and needs help. Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, she needs a happy ending.
Wishing you a happy holiday!
(If Mrs. Claus helps me this book will be out late November.)
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Cathy Lamb
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