July 01, 2024

A Bird Miracle

Today was an ordinary day and then a bird miracle occurred. This Blue Heron flew over my head while I was in my garden thinking about how truly terrible my Christmas story is that I’m trying to write.
I thought to myself kind and generous thoughts like: You should quit writing. You should become a hermit in the backwoods. And, remember, Cathy, it’s a Christmas story. Don’t kill anyone off. No one wants death with their stockings and ornaments.
Then the Blue Heron appeared out of nowhere.
I love blue herons. You could say that they are the Lamb Family Bird. When Innocent Husband, Rebel Dancing Daughter, Adventurous Singing Daughter, or Darling Laughing Son or I see a Great Blue Heron, we always yell out, “GBH!” It’s a family moment.
Anyhow, I watched the Great Blue Heron as he watched me, marveling at how elegant and cool he was. A few minutes later another Great Blue Heron soared over my head, like a mini blue plane, flapped his enormous wings at Great Blue Heron #1, and they both flew over my pink magnolia trees and golden lilies, on to their next adventure.
A pair. A couple. Friends. It was just an incredible moment.
Sometimes ya have to look for that little bit of beauty and sometimes the beauty comes to you and you are very lucky indeed.
Have a good day. Wishing you a bird miracle.
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