October 25, 2020

Voted by Mail – Totally Safe

I voted!
We vote by mail here in Oregon and have done so for over 20 years. Your handy – dandy voters’ pamphlet arrives in the mail and about a week later your ballot arrives. It’s efficient, fair, and despite the fake hysteria and inane ranting about voter fraud, totally safe.
When I see people waiting in lines for hours to vote in other states, I am stunned. To me, this says that that particular state, or county, is working very hard to suppress the vote. They’re trying to make it so inconvenient and difficult to vote that some people can’t because they don’t have the time or energy to stand in line for hours, often in the rain, cold, and wind.
They work all day. They’re single parents. They’re not well. They’re taking care of an ill relative or their kid is sick. There are MANY legitimate reasons why people can’t wait in long lines, and that is inherently unfair to them and to our country.
Voting, for everyone, should be simple and inclusive for all – as it is here in Oregon.
We even have designated drop boxes so if you don’t want to mail your ballot back in through your mailbox, like I do, it is super easy and convenient to drop it off.
And I hope you don’t have to stand in long lines to do so.
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Cathy Lamb
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