August 10, 2020

Cut Up Your Manuscript With Scissors

Well, it’s that time again.

I write yet another draft of a book and then I grab my scissors with a semi-crazy look in my tired eyes and start cutting it up. I gleefully use a stapler, too, for good measure.

I usually have cookies on hand to adhere to ‘Cathy’s Healthy Eating Diet’ and I mutter things like, “You are a terrible writer…this is a terrible book…I can’t believe you wrote that, Cathy. Why on Earth did you think that was a plausible idea?…that character is ridiculous, delete him, don’t argue with me he IS ridiculous…you should have been a carpenter and why do you have to eat THAT many cookies?”

So pleasant, that voice inside my head.

The glorious life of a writer continues.

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1 Comments to “Cut Up Your Manuscript With Scissors”

  1. Mamey Brown says:

    You are one of my fav authors, so I can’t imagine you saying that to yourself…LOL. I look forward to anything you publish. What I REALLY appreciate is your books are trade paperback which are my favorite size…


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