Do Everyone’s Christmas Candy Houses Look This Weird?
Lamb Family Odd Christmas House Annual Tradition.
Every year we make Christmas houses with graham crackers and glue guns. They never turn out normal.
Sky-Diving-Jumping Brother Jimmy made an “Avenging Warrior Running Over Ewoks.” That peppermint stick you see sticking straight out is a SPEAR not…uh…well…anything else you might think of.
Darling Laughing son built a bridge. “Life is full of bridges. Go across them. That’s it.”
Rebel Dancing Daughter made the one with a J. “It’s a mattress for a snow woman.”
Adventurous Singing Daughter made the three story rocket ship. “It wasn’t supposed to be a rocket ship but that’s what it ended up being and I don’t have anything else to say, Mom.” (She was out really late partying last night for New Year’s. Poor thing. Margaritas can do that to you, honey!)
Innocent Husband, who made the sagging pink house with the white roof, said his house is about “life and death.” Pretty grim, Innocent Husband, pretty grim!!
Mine was filled with candy and mess. Because life is sweet and messy. (That’s really sappy but whatever. My house IS a mess and I really need a treat to eat to get motivated to clean this place up so I can think like a normal person again.)
Nephew Noah made the one with the marshmallows, “What I learned is that I’m not good at this, Aunt Cathy.”
Happy New Year’s to all!