May 01, 2018
$2.99 each for No Place I’d Rather Be and The Language of Sisters.
If you would like to read about fluffy cakes and charming houseboats, history and mystery, sisters and secrets, you might like these books.
This sale will be short and sweet.

Cathy, I LOVE your books!!!! My sister and I like the same authors so she is HOOKED on your books. I don’t know which is my FAV but I deeply love The Language of Sisters and Henry’s Sisters and No Place I’d Rather Be and on and on and on!!! I can hardly wait for your latest !!!!
2I am so glad you like my books. I really am. I am glad your sister likes them, too. My mom and I used to read the same books and I loved that. Loved being able to talk about them with her. My latest is The Man She Married out Oct 29th. It’s a bit of a thriller so I hope you like it!
3I am delighted that you and your sister like my books. I am so sorry it’s taken me this long to reply. I am much better at replying to comments and messages on facebook. I hope you liked The Man She Married. I think of if as fiction/thriller/love story. Tell your sister hello for me, please. And thank you SO MUCH for reading my books.