Oh now, where would YOU go?
I asked people on my facebook pages this question…
CHOOSE ONE. I’m really trying hard to procrastinate so I don’t have to edit my book, so I’m thinking about vacations. Where would you go for one month if the whole darn, beautiful, fun thing was free?
1) Scotland. Men in kilts. Bagpipes. Rolling hills and mystery.
2) Thailand. Lagoons and an ocean. Lush jungles. History.
3) Alaska. Cruise. Sea life. Animal life. Sunsets. No driving.
And I received these answers….
Amy Rogers Alaska- the home of my heart. But I’m not sure I’d want to spend a month on a cruise ship. There’s so much more to see inland as well. Take the train to Fairbanks, see Denali, visit North Pole, fish the Copper and Russian Rivers, drive to Ninilchik- the most western spot you can continuously drive on roads to in North America, see the Homer Spit and leave a dollar on the wall at the Salty Dog, visit Exit Glacier in Seward, and so very much more! And now, I’m homesick. Let’s go, Cathy! I’ll play tour guide!
Cathy Lamb Amy Rogers Definitely calling you if I go to Alaska

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Denise Bokman #3…although the kilts were a really close second…
Leslie Stacye Lindsay Thailand and Scotland are both on my list. Yes, one of those.
Katie Linder Scotland!
Piepie Baltz Scotland!
Sherie Nash Lived in the north already, Scotland yep…not keen on too much heat either.
BarLee Wood Scotland for sure. So much amazing scenery and the hospitality is reportedly fantastic.
Dusti Douglass Alaska
Cathy Doces Scotland!
Christie Sitterly Scotland.
Connie Binion Alaska
Vicki Spillman I like bagpipes. I would say Scotland. But I also love the ocean.
Becky Brock Ridenour Alaska!!! That way my husband would agree to go with me! And we both would love to go there!
Jaymi Couch Scotland

Aimie Trumbly Runyan I haven’t been to Thailand, but have been to the other two… so yeah, I vote Thailand!
Cathie Armstrong Scotland, hands down!! Those KNEES!!!!!!

Belinda Michael Scotland…I’ve always wanted to go and have never been. My ancestors on my mother’s side are from Scotland. It’s on my bucket list.
Michelle Murphy Scotland! I would love to sit there and just listen to people talk:)
Angelique L’Amour All three are on my list plus Africa and Greece and egypt
Rhonda J Gothier Scotland!
Mich Lueken Scotland – without a doubt !
Tara White Robinett Scotland
Anne Marie Anderson Scotland!!
Sarah Patt Thailand. I wanna swim and hold a monkey!Manage
Celia Warren Fowler Thailand!
Tammy Aday Scotland!
Heather Gudenkauf Scotland!!
Honey Perkel Scotland, for sure. I love that country!!!
Joan Scroggins SCOTLAND!!!!!!!

Lori Taylor Scotland

Patricia Howell White I’ve been on a long Alaskan cruise and I would go again in a heartbeat! I highly recommend it. Never been to Scotland but I’d sure like to go. Ireland too!
Barbara Samuel For my passions: India. For relaxing, New Zealand or England.
Cynthia Dix Scotland.
Holly L. Soderstrom Lorincz Oooooh, Scotland!
JT Ellison Scotland. 100 percent.
Janice Gable Bashman Scotland
Terri Johnsen Thailand!
Joyce Ferrell Ocracoke island north carolina u.s. or Scotland, or the Costa del sol ,Spain.
Joyce Ferrell I have been saying for years I was going to go to ocracoke and stay all winter and write my book. Lol. We can come here anytime as my daughter has a small house here. We are on the island this week!
Charolette Romero I think I would choose Scotland because I would get to see a different culture
Nancy Glasgow-Narma Scotland..See where my Grandma and Grandpa Glasgow came from..
Susan Gromis I am of Scottish descent and have never been there, but love the culture!
Leslie Lehr Greece. Instead, this year we’re headed to Wisconsin! (to see Marlys Closser Greenhalgh, though, so that makes up for it.)
Mary McDonough Scotland!
Karen Calcagno Thailand!!
Mary McDonough If this doesn’t;t make you want to go…then…??? There is also a part II of the blog!https://www.davidlebovitz.com/eating-dining-and-drinking…/Manage


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