July 24, 2017

Narnia, Star Wars, Little House On The Prairie – Which Do You Want?

I posted this question on facebook recently, and thought you all might like to see the answers. Post yours below, if you would like!

This is a very important and extremely serious question so grab a slice of pie and ice cream and get ready to think really, really hard. If you had to go and live inside one of these books for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why? Extra points: Which character would you be?

1) The Narnia Chronicles.
2) The Lord of The Rings
3) Star Wars
4) Fifty Shades of Grey
5) Little House on The Prairie
6) Outlander


Bridgette Tullos I would be a Jedi from Star Wars that lived on a Little House on a Paririe that lived in the Shire in Scotland
Kelly Kile
Kelly Kile Definitely Star Wars!!! And I would be my hero, Princess/General Leia. She’s such a badass! One of the first women I ever looked up to <3
Kelly J. Phillips
Kelly J. Phillips Totally agree!
Simone Gonzales Laura from Little house on the Prairie because she is spunky and fun, I like to be outside, and it was my favorite show as a kid
Keleigh Wagner
Keleigh Wagner ⬆️ what she said 😉
Cathy Lamb
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Tonni Callan
Tonni Callan Definitely Narnia
Michelle Petrazzoulo Dukette
Michelle Petrazzoulo Dukette Outlander- because I could travel through time to exciting destinations and always return to a loving and handsome Scotsman in a kilt.
Jen Wheatley
Jen Wheatley Outlander. Scotland, adventure and being a sassy foul-mouthed Sassenach? Yes please.
Keily Davis Derrick
Keily Davis Derrick Outlander!!!!
Linda French
Linda French i think it would be outlander for me as well..love Jamie!
Carol Woods
Carol Woods Laura from Little House on the Prairie! Why would I be Laura, she’s a writer, very good at it & she is the heart of the show. Unafraid to be herself.
Terri Johnsen
Terri Johnsen Fifty shades……Anastasia!
Donamae Clausen Kutska
Donamae Clausen Kutska Little house laura she’s brave fun and has imagination.
Rachel Lamb
Rachel Lamb The lord of the rings as some bad ass arrow shooting elf


Cathy Lamb
Cathy Lamb You crack me up Rachel Lamb
Barb Dowdell James
Barb Dowdell James Outlander would be my first inclination as I could travel through the stones to different times but then I am a creature who likes modern plumbing every day so for that alone I will say Fifty Shades– but only as a secretary or something because he and she and just too hinky for my liking…….
Pamela Bohrer Allen
Pamela Bohrer Allen Well I’ve never seen 1,2 3, or 6, so I’ll go with Little House and Laura! Such a wonderful character, fun and adventure! Maybe I’ll check out the other movies sometime..if I can get my nose out of a good book! ♡
Laurie Becker
Laurie Becker Outlander!
Kelly J. Phillips
Kelly J. Phillips Star Wars- I could be Leia!! But no one, and I mean no one wants me in the metal bikini!!
Although I could handle Anastasia Steele as well.
Katie Linder
Katie Linder If I can’t be Anne of Green Gables, I’ll be Laura.
Connie Binion
Connie Binion Little House On The Prairie
Laura she was bold and brave
Times were hard but she and her family made the best of every day
Marilyn Dummer Grable
Marilyn Dummer Grable Little house!!!
I do love outlander.
Noreen DePersis Karcher
Noreen DePersis Karcher Little House on the Prairie.
Dusti Douglass
Dusti Douglass Realistically, as a nerd, this is an impossible question to answer as there are lengthy arguments for numbers 1, 2, and 3. 😆
Sherie Nash
Sherie Nash “Little House’, and Ma…that was easy.
Debbie Rhodes
Debbie Rhodes Little House. I would be Caroline Engels, the mom because I loved Michael Landon, what a cutie. I like olden days and simple times and I would like making my own clothes and you can’t beat fresh garden vegis! I already have nightgowns and a bonnet. Ha
Tina Ann Forkner
Tina Ann Forkner Outlander. ❤️
Joleen Wheeler
Joleen Wheeler Star wars and go on glorious star gazing trips


Rhonda J Gothier


Nanci Noyer
Nanci Noyer Little House for sure!
Annette Herbst
Annette Herbst Little House!
Lori Taylor
Lori Taylor Little House … Im a middle sister and my name is Laura.. I always thought I was her anyway 😂😂
Tosha Dillard
Tosha Dillard Laura from Little House on the Pairie. Read the books and love the show.
Greer Macallister
Greer Macallister I would probably live in Fifty Shades just because it seems that world offers the least chance of dying. (Look, even the Prairie had its dangers!) I could just be some sort of bystander or sassy friend or something, right?
Diana Bjarko Fahrenbruck
Diana Bjarko Fahrenbruck I would be the heroine from Outlander❤️❤️ for sure!!!
Ellen Urbani
Ellen Urbani Little House. And I’m pretty sure I am Pa in a dress.
Lindsay Hartgroves
Lindsay Hartgroves LOTR, because of the language, the countryside, the pure fantasy of it all. I’d be Arwen obviously because she finally gets Aragorn (yum)
Sallee Kirby Lines
Sallee Kirby Lines Little house for sure Laura of course grown loving that show!
Susan Dentler Cross
Susan Dentler Cross I’ve been thinking really hard, all the while eating my pie and ice cream but not finished thinking! Another piece of pie and ice cream and I will make a firm decision! But I am leaning toward Laura in “Little House”!
Joyce Ferrell
Joyce Ferrell Outlander, Claire or little house, laura
Karen Calcagno
Karen Calcagno Outlander…just for the sake of Jamie 💖💖💖
But really, little house. Simple life rules with trees bustling in the breeze
Sharon French
Sharon French Outlander. I’d be Clare (sp?) She is brave and a healer. She is also very strong and has a man in a kilt for a husband!!!!! Yes!!!!! I could live this life if I had too!
Cathy Doces Foster
Cathy Doces Foster I second that!!
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Sydney Derrick
Sydney Derrick Christian grey from fifty shades, wouldn’t mind the extra funds
Cathy Lamb
Cathy Lamb Sydney Derrick You crack me up
Cathy Lamb
Cathy Doces Foster
Cathy Doces Foster The Lord of the Rings. Character The Fairy Princess with Ryder after the ring was destroyed. 


Cathy Doces Foster
Cathy Doces Foster Wait I changed my mind. Legolas’s wife!!!
Cathy Doces Foster
Cathy Doces Foster Or Jamie’s wife in Outlander.
Cathy Lamb

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Connie Cannon


Connie Cannon Little House
Eileen Goudge


Eileen Goudge Little House with a watermelon patch.
Leslie Stacye Lindsay
Leslie Stacye Lindsay I’m thinking LHOTP and Half-Pint for sure…but you had me at pie and ice cream.
Stella Kensington-Reece
Stella Kensington-Reece Little House. A bit of each character, even Nellie Oleson!



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2 Comments to “Narnia, Star Wars, Little House On The Prairie – Which Do You Want?”

  1. Outlander.
    Reason: JAMIE – JAMIE – JAMIE!!!!!!!!

  2. Lytwig SteliBana soldier of Narnia says:

    Damm this is hard. I’d be one of 2 things

    Lotr- a ranger , probably Halbarad, I would chose this bc I love lotr and think halbarad is an underrated character if I ever saw one.
    Narnia-I grew up on CS Lewis CoN books and truth be told I got no clue who I’d be probably a random soldier or something


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