May 16, 2017

Mrs. Insomnia and I

This is what Mrs. Insomnia does to me.

I quit writing at two in the morning last night and couldn’t sleep until 7:30. My mind is a fuzzy, clanging, grumpy mess when I finally drag myself back to my computer.

I say only one long, very bad word when I look at what I’ve written and believe it to be, currently, total trash.

I begin to contemplate a new career as an orchid grower in central America. This reminds me that I need to garden.

Surely I can find some peace near the pink rhododendrons and magnolia tree? At the very least I can procrastinate before throwing my computer through a window.

My feet feel a bit odd, but hey, there are weeds to be pulled! Then I realize what I’ve done.

I think I need to sleep.

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1 Comments to “Mrs. Insomnia and I”

  1. I feel for you, Cathy. Insomnia is an old, not so dear, friend of mine.
    I have a mini favor to ask of you. I am working on a book challenge. I need to read a book recommended by an author I love. You fit the bill! Is there a book you particularly enjoyed that you could recommend? Thanks in advance. Tillie


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