December 02, 2015

Only Two Small Fires In My Kitchen

Something for me to be proud of: When I cooked Thanksgiving dinner, there were only two SMALL fires in my kitchen.

One stuffing wrapper was accidentally pushed into my gas stove which Darling Laughing Son held up, flames burning, and said, “Uh, mom?” And the other small fire was in my oven from the turkey.

After seeing the flames I said to my brother, a firefighter and paramedic, “Jimmy…” And he drawled, utterly calm, “Just shut the door, Cathy, shut the door.” And, voila! Fire out. Turkey not burned.

Next year my goal is: NO fires in my kitchen. It’s a lofty goal, but I am pretty sure – with strength and courage – that I can do it.

Hope you had a great, no – fire, Thanksgiving!

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