October 30, 2015

Tell Me What You Would Do

I recently posed this fun (I hope) question on facebook:

Tell me what you would do…

If someone gave you a completely free year at a university what FIVE subjects would you study?

I was walking with my friend, Joan, the other night. We are both working mommas with kids in college and we talked about this for a long time. It was fun.

My answers? Art – the impressionists. Creative writing (of course). Modern Lit. History of Europe 1500 – 1800’s. Art – painting. (NO talent here at all in art, but thought it would be great to dream with a paintbrush in my hand) And you?

These are the answers…feel free to add your own!


Gillian Dorrance Fish Creative writing, pathology, something in the forensic sciences, art (no artist here but it would be interesting to learn more about the process), neurophysiology (our brains are fascinating)

Lillian Aman Nedeau
Lillian Aman Nedeau Art history, photography, creative writing, American Literature, Oil painting…dreamin’

Ruthie DeLancy Talbott
Ruthie DeLancy Talbott Art of all kinds..and music

Robanne McLean Johnston
Robanne McLean Johnston Linguistics, psychology, philosophy, some form of art and music appreciation.

Cathy Davis
Cathy Davis A foreign language, sculpture, mixed media painting, creative writing and excel 4 to feed my soul and one for common sense lol.

Victoria Powell
Victoria Powell Astronomy, French language, Physics (no homework or grades, of course!)

Kristina Martens
Kristina Martens U. S. History – I love learning about how the past has shaped the future.
Creative writing or any writing class for that matter because I love writing stories.
Drama because I think I would make a great actress. 
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Bettyann Waller
Bettyann Waller painting, fabric design

Sheryl Jablonski Hoopes
Sheryl Jablonski Hoopes Abnormal Psychology,the History of the UK, Statistics (because, after 40 years I don’t remember much!), French, and Italian.

De Hansbrough
De Hansbrough Maybe sculpture.

Elaine Donoughe Allen
Elaine Donoughe Allen Definitely art! I would like to find out if I have any talent at all or if my twin brothers got it all ! 

Kristen Whitaker Knox
Kristen Whitaker Knox Italian, Creative Writing, Medieval and Renaissance History, Geology, and Photography.

Sarah Austad
Sarah Austad Art history, Water colors, Contemporary Literature, English History, and Early Childhood Education. Audit only…too old for papers and grades. Been there, done that…never again.

Cynthia Dix
Cynthia Dix Creative writing, photography, fiber arts, Asian history, and for my language, Danish.

Terri Patrick
Terri Patrick Six years ago I took theater appreciation (included attending six local productions); speech, analytical essays, fiction workshop, and screenwriting, during two quarters at the local college. It was an awesome way to spend the dreary winters.

Kathleen Bylsma
Kathleen Bylsma Art, the rest languages….I need to brush up!

Prudence Henderson Grubb
Prudence Henderson Grubb Energy healing, religion, world history, sociology, and writing.

Devora Jaye Writing, documentary film, photography, women’s studies, art. (I also have zero artistic ability!)

Cassie Selleck
Cassie Selleck Ditto to what Devora said!!

Robert Andweave
Robert Andweave 1) Intro To Sarcasm. (yeah, right) 2) Grammer/Speling & counting 101, 102 & 104. 3) Interpretive Finger painting 4) Culinary (HopingMarina Elias Starbuck was the Prof) 5) Pre Med classes.

Wendy Webber Deloge
Wendy Webber Deloge Definately nursing school!

Anna Metzer
Anna Metzer Art history, women’s studies, religion, medieval history, political science.

Iris Harrison
Iris Harrison Italian, Spanish, French, Live Drawing, Botany.

Dana Velvet Pixie Bokelman
Dana Velvet Pixie Bokelman Paranormal Psychology, photography, American History, Spanish (I can speak it ..ok… id like to perfect it) something with music wink emoticon

Laura Fenn
Laura Fenn History, Political Science, Law, Literature and Spanish.

Sally Koslow
Sally Koslow European history, American history, studio art, French, more history

 Marisa de los Santos
Marisa de los Santos Neuroscience, genetics, evolutionary biology, Spanish, and ballet.

Barbara Khan
Barbara Khan Anything to do with early childhood development. Focus on children’s literature and art for kids.

Lynne Pinola
Lynne Pinola Italian, Creative Writing, Designing (like clothes), Quilting (Is that even one?) and Dancing even though I have zero chance of ever dancing again.

Molly Duncan Campbell Animal behavior, pottery, Shakespeare, web design, and maybe poetry.

Simone Gonzales
Simone Gonzales Art, creative writing, literature, linguistics, and marine biology or archeology.

Terri Johnsen
Terri Johnsen Oceanography. Astronomy. Medical Care that would put in Hospice work. Creative Art (Mostly Pottery). Spanish! heart emoticon

Sherie Nash
Sherie Nash Creative Writing, Sociology stuff, religion, Criminology, English Lit.

Kimberley Burrows-Hornsby
Kimberley Burrows-Hornsby Arts, languages. Would so love to speak several languages!

Brandi Megan Granett
Brandi Megan Granett marketing, public relations, women’s studies, politics, and writing

Alissa Schad I’d repeat Creative Writing and make those stories have binding. Life Drawing because those part’s looked so much more interesting when they were lines and contours, History of Religion so i could be more aware and respectful of everyone’s beliefs anSee More

Joni Cape-Everson
Joni Cape-Everson Writing- computer science- public speaking-accounting- music

Cathy Doces Foster
Cathy Doces Foster Psychology, child psychology, history, creative writing, music. My favorite subjects that I got A’s in. Definately not a scholar!

Barb Dowdell MacKenzie
Barb Dowdell MacKenzie Intro to psych, abnormal psych, anatomy, creative writing, painting still life.

Linda French
Linda French I would do creative writing too, plus english lit, spanish, art history, and some art class.. I hear when you turn 65 college is free!

Diane Avedovech
Diane Avedovech I love all the arts, including photography, literature and especially music in most all forms as well as field biology. Too many interests and not enough of me.

Sandra Jean Lawrence
Sandra Jean Lawrence Comparative literature, History (dark ages, middle ages), world religions, photography, music.

Dusti Douglass
Dusti Douglass I think I would study Egyptian history, take a Romance language (probably Spanish), a culinary course, definitely a creative writing course, a photography class, and a piano class.

Debbie Rhodes
Debbie Rhodes Criminology. Creative writing. Psychology. Law. Line Dancing. Lol.

Tara White Robinett
Tara White Robinett Geez. I would take jewelry making courses. Metal and glass, rocks and wire.

Connie Binion
Connie Binion Photography,art,culinary arts,natural resources,zoology.

Diane Russom Harrison
Diane Russom Harrison Creative Writing, Italian Language, Acrylic Painting, Jazz Dance, and, Abnormal Psychology.

Kathy Leahy I would take more arts-a couple interior design classes, drawing, painting, and fashion construction – an Arts Institute would be the perfect spot for me!

Nancy Glasgow-Narma
Nancy Glasgow-Narma Creative Writing, psychology, watercolor painting, interior design, any course having to do with Scotland, England and their history.

Janet Castillo
Janet Castillo Psychology, sociology, and criminal justice classes. smile emoticon

Maryellen Sparks Pallow
Maryellen Sparks Pallow What would I study? I’d need some help with that. I want to be a lawyer who knows perfect fashion specializing in helping animals and small children. Sooooo. Help! smile emoticon

Sandra Barrera
Sandra Barrera I would take psychology, children’s psychology, criminology, world religions, and perhaps literature. That made me really think. Thanks Ms.Lamb.



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