April 07, 2015

My Addiction To Books

I posted this on facebook recently. Maybe you can relate.

Do other book addicts share my problem? I have an obsession with books. I love them. I always have. I’m going to be one of those old, dottery ladies with a bunch of cats crawling all over me, and I’ll have stacks of books and a multitude of kindles.

I’ll travel and read and write and mutter to myself and think that the characters in the books I’m reading are family and friends. I will talk back to them. I will scold them. I will laugh at their jokes. I will fall in love with handsome men characters and think they’re real.

I’ll wear funny hats. It will be 50 – 50 on whether or not I’ll be wearing matching shoes. I’ll smile a lot, in a dazed and confused sort of way. I keep buying books – will I EVER read all of them? It saddens me to think that I might not have enough time. This is ridiculous. I am ridiculous.

Obviously, there are a lot of people out there just like me…

  • Dana Velvet Pixie Bokelman I already do these things, except for me its flower crowns not hats cause I’m magical like that and YOUR characters are who I wanna live with 
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  • Karen LaLiberty Books are my passion! They become my friends and take on their own life; one that I live as I read them.
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  • Barb Dowdell MacKenzie I KNOW your pain.
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  • Iris Harrison I’m proud to be ridiculous!
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  • Denise Gibbs I feel you!
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  • Laila Ibrahim Amazon has rid me of the delusion that I could possibly read all the wonderful books in the world. But it’s also confirmed for me that I will never run out of wonderful books to read. A great book and time to read is one of life’s greatest pleasures.
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  • Janet Castillo You are preaching to the choir! Haha! I can’t BELIEVE how many books I buy and there is no way I can read them all. But if I don’t have a book I kind of panic. And I do EVERYWHERE with a book because YOU NEVER KNOW! I could get stuck in an elevatoSee More
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  • Lindsay Hartgroves Sounds just like my life. Old and batty long before my time. I ALREADY wear purple…..
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  • Danee Marquand Hayungs Books take me places and allow to live lives that I could only imagine! Oh the people I have met and got to become! We were so poor growing up and I read The Journey of Natty Gann and was hooked and knew I could become anyone I wanted. I went from a below average reader to the advanced class in one school year. Tell me though, am I the only one loves the smell of books??
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  • April 6 2015 069Jenny Collins Belk Cathy: A lifelong reader here. That’s why I encourage children to read. Love my books and my cats-right with you.
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  • Sara Elliot Hirschmugl Oh, Cathy Lamb I am so glad to know we will be ridiculous together 
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  • Sandra Jean Lawrence Every time we’ve moved ( and it’s a LOT), I’ve purged probably 100+ books. and then once we’re settled, I buy more. I will never get rid of any now, since we’re staying put.
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  • Susan Pease Yes! I get it! Have you read the Cedar Key novels by Terri DuLong? They are fast reads and she weaves the characters from one story into the next so you get to continue their stories. Very fun books.
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  • Lisa Sizemore Poss Then in this case, ridiculous is a good thing. And if we don’t finish all of our books, then i am sure heaven is full of books! We will just have to sit on a cloud and finish them there!
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  • Pat Nichols Newman Absolutely. So far I still have room for more books on my kindle.
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  • Terri Johnsen Maybe there will be a special home for little old ladies with books, babbles, wine, eccentric ways, cats and gas! I’ll meet you there!
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  • Vox Libris Wait. This is ridiculous behavior? I had no idea! I thought everyone did this.
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  • Kimberley Burrows-Hornsby Well, you won’t be alone! Looks like you have lots of company.
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  • Elaine Donoughe Allen I am also obsessed with books! I have like 20 new ones I have yet to read but I continue to order more like you I worry I will never get to read them all I guess one might say I am either a nut or a book addict! I would much prefer it be a book addict! Lol
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  • Peggy Aube Strout I have always said, I pray there are books in heaven because there is no way I can read everything I want to read…..
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  • Fran Wagner You are lovely, gifted, delightful & a perfect co-book addict. But ridiculous… never. 
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  • Maureen Hoffman-Wehmeier I don’t EVER want to run out, Cathy!
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  • Madeline Smola Love my books! Want to live in a library, well my own library!
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  • Leigh Beeman The Honk and Hollar Opening soon by Billie Letz was a book that I never wanted to leave. I loved the book and the characters. Your books do that for me as well.
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  • Annette Herbst I’m the same. I’ve had a love affair with books for as long as I can remember. Other kids spent their summers playing, I spent mine reading.
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  • Linda French You ridiculous! Never we are all in the same boat. I agree with Fran u are lovely, delightful and a wonderful author!
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  • April 6 2015 071Maureen Hoffman-Wehmeier When I was 10 years old, my neighbors moved away, leaving me no kids to play with. My mom convinced me to read, and read I did. That was 45 years ago, and I’m still going strong. Thanks, Mom! (She still reads a lot at 79 years old.)
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  • Carrie Alexander You are not alone. Yesterday, I was laughing my myself, wondering what the kick butt attorney in your books was doing on Easter.
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  • Joleen Wheeler Woot! Gotta love books and the obsessed authors that write them! I am curled up with one now! Its my therapy!
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  • Tara White Robinett Much to my mothers chagrin, I have stacks of books and full bookshelves in every room in my house. I will read them all! My problem is that sometimes I buy duplicates. I feel so dumb when I do that.
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  • Roxie Gallinger Cathy Lamb have you had any thoughts towards writing a beautiful series since we love you characters and don’t want to let them go at the end of reading your books?
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  • Roxie Gallinger I’m such an unread book hoarder…my friends and family think I’m obsessed…hahaha love it
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  • Simone Gonzales Matching shoes are overrated anyhow. 
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  • Cathy Lamb Aw. You see, ladies, we have found our tribe. Bookaholics. Proud to be one and I”m sure I’ll love my eight cats when I’m older and who needs to wear matching shoes, right? As long as one is not high heeled and the other a tennis shoe…that might be a bit awkward.
  • Cathy Lamb Roxie Gallinger I don’t write series. I’m sorry. I’ve been asked that before and once i’m done with a book, I’m done. The only one I MIGHT think about a sequel to is Julia’s Chocolates, but I doubt it. Simone Gonzales That’s right. They are. See More
  • Cathy Lamb Laila Ibrahim you’re right. Books are a huge pleasure in life. I don’t know what I would have done without them, and I feel sorry for people around the world who do not have access to libraries or whose reading is restricted by their governments. Can you imagine? Janet Castillo I do the same thing. Kindle goes with me like a pet. Iris Harrison So, books and music, right, everywhere?
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  • Michelle Maxwell Lisenbee Oh my gosh….I love you so much! I will have overflowing bookshelves, use books as tables and probably have closets stuffed full of them. I love actual books and do not yet have an e-reader. I love the weight of them, the smell, the feel of the pages, seeing how much I have left to go…
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  • Vincent Steve Botto I remember a Twilight Zone episode where this guy loved to read but never had time, then some cataclysmic event happened and he was the only one left. Nothing but time and books. He was thrilled then . . . He stepped on and broke his only pair of glasses.
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  • Vincent Steve Botto When I was a kid I HATED to read. But once I hit grad school (I’m a late bloomer) I haven’t been without at least one book going (albeit electronic). How do we transfer our love of reading to young children?
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    • Cathy Lamb When I was a teacher, I had the kids reading all the time, all over the place. Fiction, non fiction, memoir. With my daughters, they have always loved reading. My son loves sports and socializing. So, like any good parent, (!!!) I bribe him with money to read. I know, I know….
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  • Andrea Bates You’re not ridiculous. You are – in fact – one of my people. I’m SO exactly the same way. It’s a bit ridiculous, I suppose, but it’s fun!
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  • Kimberly Davis-Morgan I use to think I was courting insanity to live in fantasy so much. I’ve now decided if it makes me happy, then that’s exactly what I’m going to do. 
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  • Ricki Matthews Holman Know the feeling………..
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  • Letty Peña Blanchard My name is Letty Blanchard and I’m a book addict!! I also keep buying books not having read the previous ten I bought two weeks ago, etc., etc.!! Plus I have hundreds on my Kindle as well that I will get to some day. (The free ones or ones under $5See More
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  • Carmee Gueth Ross Sounds exactly like me, too. I may not have enough time to read all my books, too. Also, I love a really good book sale. I love the hunt!
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  • September Dee Sounds exactly like me. The only thing is that I don’t own an ereader yet.
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    • Cathy Lamb September Dee Oh, I love mine. Here’s the thing – when i used to travel, I’d have three or four books packed in my suitcase. I only took a carry on, so it took up a lot of room. But I couldn’t – gasp!! – go on a trip without a back up book and what if – horrors! – I didn’t like it? Then what would I do? So, that’s why the kindle is great. One “book,” loaded with others, and more room in my suitcase and bags.
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    • Cathy Lamb


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  • Lillian Aman Nedeau Ok, Cathy, I am there right now! I turn 64 this month and I am starting to worry about getting through my piles of books! I also am concerned that there are books I should read that I don’t know about!!
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    • Cathy Lamb Oh, my list of books “to be read,” is so long. I almost don’t want to hear about any more great books out there because I’ll just add them….
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    • Cathy Lamb

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  • Dawn Shepherd Sounded like you were describing me. I just can’t stop buying books and they are everywhere in my house ( no cats). But the rest sounds pretty close.
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1 Comments to “My Addiction To Books”

  1. Karen Chaudoin says:

    I collect books. Books I may never read again and others I will. Once I find a book that sucks the life out of me I will read every book the author writes. You are the current author. Most tend to be females, but not always. Last year I read every single book from a nice lady, a Christian. When I researched her I low and behold she had been killed in a senseless car accident. I cried. Cried some more, and could only cry some more wanting to talk to her to find out what happened to the last character that I imagined she might develop. Since I was having some anxiety issues I prayed to see her in heaven, then cried some more. This post reminds me of a love for an authors “people” and perhaps a tiny glimpse into their soul.


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