An Excerpt from “What I Remember Most” #2
Grenadine Scotch Wild: That night I thought of my interview with Tildy. The, “Tell me about yourself,” question always throws me. What should I say about myself? What should I not say about myself?
I’m a crack shot and can hit damn near anything.
I’m a collage artist and painter.
I used to have a little green house. I sold it. That was a huge mistake.
I can smash beer cans on my forehead.
I fight dirty. Someone comes at me, and my instinctive reaction is to smash and pulverize. It has gotten me into trouble.
I love to decorate. Things must be pretty around me or I feel like I’m losing it.
I have a temper, my anger perpetually on low seethe, and I have struggled with self esteem issues and flashbacks for as long as I can remember.
I can wear four inch heels and designer clothes like wealthy women, make social chit chat, and pretend I’m exactly like them. I am not like them at all.
Some of the kindest people I have ever met were missing a lot of their teeth and loved their guns and pickups.
Some of the worst, most narcissistic, uncaring people I’ve met drove Mercedes and belonged to country clubs.
I survived my childhood. Now I’m trying to reinvent myself to survive once again.
Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Those questions I can answer easily: I don’t know.