April 25, 2014

New And Glorious Quilts

I am not domesticated at all. I can’t cook, sew, embroider, nothing.  No talent. No patience. No skills in that area, despite that my mother made homemade bread that was the best ever AND homemade jam.

However, I love hand made items. Love ’em. Especially quilts.

So, this Christmas I paid a friend of mine, Barbara Wright, to make our kids, and my husband, a quilt.  I gave her a whole bunch of favorite, old (worn out) clothes from me, my husband, our kids, our cousins, uncles and aunts, etc.  I also included clothes from my late parents.

For example…My red and black flowered robe that I bought before I even met my husband…a red and white striped apron given to me at my bridal shower 21 years ago from the wonderful and fun teachers I used to work with….my daughter’s purple and pink checked bedspread…my husband’s blue and white striped work shirt…my mother’s cloth napkins with the swirly, organic designs…my twins’ blue and white overalls from when they were babies…my daughters’ favorite jeans when they were little girls with the butterflies and roses…my mother’s beige flowered shirt…a pocket from one of my husband’s fishing vests….a pocket from one of my son’s army pants from when he was five…

Barbara cut all these clothes out and worked her magic.

One of our daughters now has a quilt with books and tea cups, as she loves tea and, like her mother, books.

Another daughter loves her guitar and music, so there are violins, guitars, and musical notes on her quilt.

My son and husband loooovve to fish, so they have fishing quilts. The fish are from my late uncle’s shirt.


Thought you might like to see some of the photos….

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Blog Photos April 7 2014 021













April 24 2014 Quilt photos 055April 24 2014 Quilt photos 049April 24 2014 Quilt photos 050

Blog Photos April 7 2014 033

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11 Comments to “New And Glorious Quilts”

  1. Pam Post says:

    I can’t even sew on a button. To have that much talent with a needle is beyond me. And by the way, those quilts are such beautiful ways to hold onto memories.

    • Pam, I know. I can sew on a button, but not much else, even though my mother tried to teach me to sew as a girl. I just wanted to play outside. I do treasure the quilts. They’re what you hand down from generation to generation to generation….

  2. What a wonderful idea!!! You can wrap yourself up in your memories.

    • I love ’em, the kids love ’em. They can use them on their beds, that’s where they are now, or they can hang them on a wall. When they have their own places, it’ll cover a wall beautifully, as I’ve covered a couple of our walls with quilts.
      And, you’re right, Tillie. You’re wrapped up in memories.

  3. Cathy – I quilt & read in my spare time !
    I’m really glad you found someone to make you memories from your favorite clothing reflecting the things each if you like & appreciate !if you don’t have that artistic ability it’s hard to appreciate the time & talent it takes to create !

  4. LOVE these.. I have a Quilt that was made for My Husband Smittee (he is deceased now) and I when we were Married .. Its Blue and WHite Wedding ring pattern.. I LOVE that Quilt.. I think everyone should have at least one 🙂

    • Dana, I know that quilt has to mean the world to you. I love quilts because of how very, very personal they are to everyone who has them. They’re not just a bedspread. In fact, I have my two hanging on my walls, and I definitely want to have more made in the future…maybe for future grandchildren… 🙂

  5. Maryellen says:

    What beautiful quilts and what beautiful memories they’ll bring! Lovely!

  6. You’re right, Maryellen, the memories in those quilts are priceless because the people that the clothes came from are priceless and dear and wonderful….and a few aren’t here anymore.

  7. Sherie Nash says:

    Stunning! I’ve always loved quilts as well. I wish I’d thought to save my girls clothing from when they were small. I have all their knitted things from their grandmother and aunt Meredith, but I don’t think they’d make a good quilt. These are really beautiful. Can you imagine sleeping under the memories?

  8. Beth Nelson says:

    I also love love love quilts and have made some baby ones, and saved my children’s t shirts and clothes with the hopes that some day i can do the same. they are truly blessings.


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