June 30, 2012

What Women Talk About

  • Recently I wrote this on Facebook:
    Okay, ladies. Help me and my tired brain out with my next book. When groups of women are together, what do they talk about?
    These are the answers…so enlightening and interesting….

    Patty Carlson Pachta books (of course!)

    Thursday at 4:38pm ·  · 1
  • Lisa Rosen Banks Their husbands or kids.

    Thursday at 4:39pm ·  · 1
  • Malissa Ann Heinen anything that is bothering them from husbands, to kids, to weight, to friends that they can’t believe did something.

    Thursday at 4:39pm ·  · 1
  • Parri Van Dyke Sex, husbands, recipes, health, sex, their kids, how tired they are, sex, boyfriends, gossip, sex, weather, vacations, etc, etc…hahahaha!

    Thursday at 4:39pm ·  · 4
  • Jennifer Cramer-Hughes We talk about receipes, great books, television& movies to watch, how we will EVER survive teenagers…..and how this is NOT what we thought our lives would be …” how did I get here??”

    Thursday at 4:39pm ·  · 1
  • Katy Shandil ‎…kids….family, Men, and their hobbies. Mine is golf

    Thursday at 4:40pm ·  · 1
  • Valerie Strilko where they scored a great bargain, recipes, new food plans, latest book they read, new movies, men being stupid, menstrual cycles, exercise – esp pilates or yoga!

    Thursday at 4:44pm ·  · 1
  • Lisa Jensen men they date, shoes, weightloss or weightgain, shopping, aging parents, food, family, gossip, work, people’s crazy posts that show up on facebook, etc. 😉

    Thursday at 4:56pm ·  · 1
  • Marie Bostwick sex, menopause, food, kids, favorite tv shows (or movies, or books) people they don’t like, schedule comparisons (as in, who is busier), bargains they just nabbed

    Thursday at 5:05pm ·  · 2
  • Patricia Phelps the things we fear (not to be an awfulizer but..) i worry about whether my son will fit in in the world, one friend has 1 son who is in jail, another believes her child is gay but he won’t talk about it, another has 3 grown children and she worries about them all for entirely different reasons. When our parents die we talk about being orphans. And then we sometimes worry about dying alone. We talk about our bodies changing, health issues that begin to come up in your 50’s. We notice we have become our parents and we now read the obituaries even though we made fun of them for doing so. And we like to share good books, naturally!

    Thursday at 5:14pm ·  · 1
  • Sarah Ragsdale What we thought life would be compared to what it actually is…. how nobody is ever really prepared the first time shit really hits the fan

    Thursday at 5:18pm ·  · 1
  • Vanessa Duncan Being overweight, wishing we were taller, how our kids (God we love them) make us crazy and how our husbands can be asses sometimes…….. 🙂

    Thursday at 5:27pm ·  · 2
  • ILene Kat Hamende Body changes, tv shows, who’s hot now (tv/movies), books, job, sig others, sex, ….

    Thursday at 5:30pm ·  · 1
  • Astrid Valencia Hodgson Kids, husbands, boyfriends, weight issues, shopping, food…

    Thursday at 5:35pm ·  · 1
  • Barb Dowdell MacKenzie men, lack of sex, kids, what they like to cook

  • Cyndie Burke Pelto Husbands, sex, kids, weight, food, wine…

    Thursday at 5:53pm ·  · 1
  • Aron Carleson DREAMS! Should have, could have would have. Messy houses, the news, our relatives…ok, our spouses relatives, work, Kids, old boyfriends, bad haircuts, vacations,

    Thursday at 5:59pm ·  · 1
  • Debbie Wenzel It depends on the stage of life they are in. Here’s a few that have come and gone or are currently in my life:the joys of potty training, how much time we spend driving the van to and fro, how we never get to go to the bathroom alone, how hard it is to get our kids to perform basic hygiene, how much time our kids spend monopolizing the bathroom performing basic hygiene, the horrors &/or hilarity of teaching a kid to drive, the horrors and hilarity of teen looovve or heartbreak or angst or mouthiness or just about anything else teen, how my mother’s face got in my mirror.

    Thursday at 6:02pm ·  · 2
  • Frances Jurvakainen Williams Flowers :), sex, gossip, grand kids, kids, economy, reality tv shows….housewives of …. , recipes..whatever is in the news..oh and yeah this woman likes to talk sports.. esp the Trailblazers.

    Thursday at 6:02pm ·  · 1
  • Renee Hand Morris Young mother: is my child normal??? Middle age: am I normal???? Older age: Who wants to be normal??????

    Thursday at 6:07pm ·  · 5
  • Vanessa Duncan ‎@Renee!!! That is true!!! lol

    Thursday at 6:08pm ·  · 2
  • Kelly J. Phillips Always our kids, husbands but now it also includes what we want to do w/ our lives now that our kids are becoming more independant, and how we aren’t sure we like it now that our kids are becoming more independant.

    Thursday at 6:16pm ·  · 2
  • Jennifer Riga Manuel I think they covered it. However…some get together and talk about stuff in a positive productive way, and LAUGH at themselves and their kids and their lives and their weight. SOME get together and awfulize and lament and kvetch and perpetuate their victimization by life, their family, their jobs….

    Thursday at 6:17pm ·  · 1
  • Renee Hand Morris Kelly — yes. SO MANY of my friends are also thinking of chickens! With no small children, 46 year olds in Georgia — my world — are knitting, spinning, weaving, baking with fresh eggs from chickens. It’s a back to nature sort of thing, about creativity and the spiritual aspects of simplicity.

    Thursday at 6:28pm ·  · 1
  • Christin Hamilton Peterson Husbands, kids, jobs 🙂

    Thursday at 6:35pm ·  · 1
  • Erin Maureen Mast this is great”

    Thursday at 6:51pm ·  · 1
  • Kimberly Cook Wright We plan our next Race for the Cure…and laugh a lot…

    Thursday at 7:18pm ·  · 1
  • Mary Meredith Drew Each other and other women, sex, politics, families, how to do stuff like cooking certain foods, gardening, etc.

    Thursday at 7:19pm ·  · 1
  • Lisa Sizemore Poss Men, books, other women and why they aren’t as cool as us.

    Thursday at 7:26pm ·  · 1
  • Terri Johnsen Achieving the ultimate orgasm, men, sex, books, sex, money, sex, wine, sex, toys, sex toys, kids, sex, aging parents, sex, food, oh and did I happen to mention sex and the ultimate orgasm~

    Thursday at 7:43pm ·  · 1
  • Terri Johnsen Oh and last book club we talked about you, Costco, and a basket full of watermelons!

    Thursday at 7:44pm ·  · 1
  • Cynthia Dix Books, chocolate, hair (to cut or not to cut, to color or not to color), how we’d like to be fit but not worry about the weight, how we never expected to be like our parents! And since we aren’t “normal” we create characters and stories to share with each other 😀

    Thursday at 9:26pm ·  · 1
  • Romi Sussman each other…the ones who didn’t make it to lunch that day, unfortunately

    Thursday at 9:29pm ·  · 1
  • Shelley Marquardt Nowak My friend and I dream together and hash out the choices we have made in our lives. We talk about paths taken and sometimes regrets about paths NOT taken. Ultimately we drink a lot of wine and reassure each other that we are EXACTLY where we should be and that every path, mistake, and decision has led to that moment! 🙂

    Thursday at 9:41pm ·  · 2
  • Cathy Lamb Love all the comments! Thanks, ladies!

    Thursday at 10:07pm ·  · 1

  • Cindi Bush Hayes About how the curses our parents laid upon us are coming true!

    Thursday at 10:09pm ·  · 1
  • Gretchen Ross SHOES!!!!

    Thursday at 10:32pm ·  · 2
  • Julie Mays Little things that make them happy when the guy they love do for them or say to them.

    Yesterday at 4:04am ·  · 1
  • Dana Pixie Bokelman Me and My Friends?.. how when our kids get older we are going to buy a cabin in the woods get rocking chairs (not cause we’re old mind you tehehe) but because WE ROCK!! and have Parties every night … Grown Children not allowed.. .. And just BE!!!

    Yesterday at 4:05am ·  · 2
  • Kitti McConnell The group of women I associate with talk about sustainable gardening, cooking, religion (ALL kinds, from goddess worship to Catholicism), politics, polygamy, historical clothing and accoutrement (especially jewelry!), children, learning disorders, hair, natural beauty products, arts and crafts, how to make your own _____, and canning.

    Yesterday at 5:56am ·  · 2
  • Rosemary Liniger depends on our age – in my 30’s & 40’s it was wine, food, books, movies, husband, kids, work and the people at work who annoyed us. Today close to 60, it’s wine, my health, menopause, my parents and their health/deaths, my husbands health/death, my children/grandchildren, food, books and movies are still there but not always at the forefront anymore.

    Yesterday at 7:14am ·  · 2
  • Rosemary Liniger Something I forgot at my near 60 years of age and with my very close friends, our fears. Fears and regrets. There is a point in life where you are hit square in the face with the shoulda coulda woulda’s and it takes a strong fortitude to accept all of those. Aging is not for the faint of heart!

    Yesterday at 7:27am ·  · 3
  • Renee Hand Morris ‎@Dana Pixie Bokelman: I wonder why we must wait so long to just BE. Is it our circumstances, or our SELVES? Cathy Lamb, I hope you are getting good material from this. I am loving the perspectives on this topic — and how very similar women are across culture, age, and region…

    Yesterday at 9:50am ·  · 3
  • Holly Forsberg I don’t have kids and when I get together with my friends who don’t have kids, we talk about wine, wine tasting, food, recipes travel, work, but mostly travel – where we’ve been and where we want to go next! And of course men.

    Yesterday at 11:03am ·  · 1
  • Dana Pixie Bokelman So True Renee, so true…

    Yesterday at 11:05am ·  · 2
  • Audrey Bland Dawson Just leaving for our “girls week” in Nelson, BC. We do discuss your books of course, our friends who won’t admit that their marriages are falling apart, kids that are sucking us dry, parents who are now more our worry than our children, menopause and the stupid men who will never get it, how the body we used to have has gone missing, sex or the lack there of, men we date and wonder why, but the best is how after almost 30 years we are still friends.

    18 hours ago ·  · 1
  • Cathie Hedrick Armstrong Sex. Lack of sex. Arguments about sex. Too much sex. Not enough sex. Sex dreams. What turns us on.Seriously…my best friend since FOREVER was here visiting last summer, and I swear every conversation touched on some aspect of sex. I was complaining that men sometimes don’t “get it.” Our ideas of foreplay or so different. Nothing turns me on more than when my husband picks up a piece of something that’s normally “my” job. For example: doing the dishes just out of the blue. It’s such a small thing and it takes a huge load off my shoulders.So, while here, my BFF did a load of dishes. Teasing her I said, “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you for doing dishes! If you were my husband, I’d almost feel like having sex. In fact, I’m damn-near attracted to you right this minute.” LOL! I was totally kidding (about being attracted to her), but you get the picture. 🙂

    16 hours ago · Edited ·  ·
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2 Comments to “What Women Talk About”

  1. Sherhonda says:

    Hot flashes and how they cause us to strip in the middle of the night (we laugh a lot about that one), our weight, exercise tapes that we watch but don’t do, all the things we don’t like about our bodies while others chime in on what looks good about the complainer’s body, children, hot flashes at work, men, hot flashes duration and how they make us feel in the middle of a crowded room (this usually produces enough laughter and comment to rival any comedy club act!), food, how to cook food, how we wish someone else would cook the food, work, people at work and how they make us feel, and anything family. The company of people who can comfortably talk together without fear of being judged is priceless, simply priceless. That’s why these conversations take place with my closest of sisters and cousins. I’ve been blessed with four sisters, sister-in-law and a couple of dear cousins where these conversations keep us in stitches.

  2. Adele Steiger says:

    In no particular order: gardening, chickens, pets, kids, work, news, theories on the news stories (I and most of my friends are TV journalists), making fun of the news stories we cover, crafts (we are mostly crafty or creative in some, way, shape, or dysfunction), cooking, movies and how well they were done or not done from story line to shooting and editing, tv show addictions, family and the drama that is attached to them, garage saling/auctions and shopping, politics, Facebook and what other people posted, the ill-advised things the men in our lives do, the beautiful men we wish were in our lives and fantasize about, parents and how they are falling apart but you love them anyway, the characteristic in the different neighborhoods in PDX/VXR and our own nicknames for them (usually politically inappropriate), the people we watch as they go by, our childhoods. Stuff like that.


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