For Writers – Building a Character
I’m teaching at Summer In Words this weekend, and Building Your Character is one of my workshops. Thought you might like to see one of the handouts.
A Few Things To Think About When Building Your Character
…A Short And By No Means Complete List…
By Cathy Lamb
What does your character do for a living? Why that occupation? No, really. WHY?
Delve deep into her family history. What did you find? Is she close to her family or estranged?
Who are her friends? Does she have friends? Is she doesn’t have friends, does it bother her? Is she a group person or a loner?
Where does she live? What does her home look like? Does she like her home? If not, why?
Describe her childhood. Good? Bad? Both?
How does her childhood still impact her life?

What does your character treasure? A family tea pot? Recipes from her mother? Cookbooks from friends and family?
Where is she now in her life? A good place? A lousy place?
Is she married? Divorced? Separated?
Does she like men? Hate men? Distrusting? What prevents her from being in a relationship if she’s not in one now? Does she like being in a relationship?
What does she want to do? What is motivating her? What’s keeping her back?
What are her stronger characteristics?
What does she hope for?
Where is she weak or flawed?
What mistakes has she made? What mistakes does she continue to make?
What does she do well? Poorly?
How does she dress? Does she like clothes?
How much money does she have? Is it important to her?
Does she have hobbies and activities? What are they?
What irritates her? What will make her temper explode?
Is she a leader or a follower?
What are the worst three things that have happened to her?
What are the three best things that have happened to her?
Is she aggressive? Shy? Depressed? Easily amused? Practical or a dreamer? Describe her personality.
What do other people think of her? Does she care what they think?
What has she overcome? What is she struggling to overcome?
Do you like her? Why or why not? Is it important to like her?
If you went to lunch, how would it go?
What advice would she give you about your life? What advice would you give her?
Where do you want her to end up? Where do you think she’ll end up?
What is she capable of doing? What is she not capable of doing?
Where will she be in ten years? Twenty?
What will she regret when she’s dying? What will she be proud of?
How is she as a parent, if she is a parent?
What are her quirks or odd habits?
What does she like to eat at two in the morning?

Does she like china? Does she throw plates when she's mad? What does she think of the color pink? Does she like formal dinners or picnics better?
What makes her laugh? What makes her cry?
Does she have a secret? What is it and how has it affected her life?
Is her inner life in uproar? Why?
If confronted by an obnoxious person, what would she do?
If she was fired, how would she react?
If she was falling in love, how would she feel?
What does she look like?
Is she successful? What has she failed at?
Can you see her? Can you hear her? Can you predict what she’ll do next?