Name That Prick
Earlier today I posted this on Facebook:
Okay, ladies. Have at it. I’ve got a real prick in my next book. Give me the FIRST NAME of an ex boyfriend or ex husband and maybe I’ll name the prick after him.I was deluged with answers.Women unite! See below for a list of pricks.Pricks abound in our lives….the sooner we realize they’re pricks, the sooner we can throw them out. -
Juliyanne McLemore Rob the name has actual meaning as well. He robbed me of my trust in people.( we are friends now)4 hours ago · ·
Elaine Rogers Jordan Was actually one that we had to threaten legal action to get him to leave my daughter alone – “Sean”4 hours ago · ·
Cathy Lamb Yikes. Okay, I have about 40 other responses from women about the ex – prick in their lives but it’s not coming up here. Facebook ate it. Ah technology. All I do is tell stories and I have to wrestle with this stuff….
Sarah Ragsdale Jonathan, we were together for 12 years married for 6. We have been separated for 2 years and he has not taken care of our daughter financially since… oh and he will not sign divorce papers…. definition of prick!4 hours ago via mobile ·
Jill Baskin Castro I think it’s a tie- Jared and Boris. Some of the prickiest pricks I’ve ever met… it’s hard to decide who wins, so I’ll just have to nominate them both.4 hours ago · ·
Ann Mallinger Ryan: lying and cheating. Quit all his jobs or got fired. Mr know-it-all!3 hours ago via mobile ·
Cathy Lamb This is going to be so hard to choose….
Savannah Long So Cathy… what I’m taking from all these all responces is…. you can open a baby name book… flip to any page for boys, pick a name… and he will be someones ex that did them wrong….!!3 hours ago via mobile ·
Shannon Heinz-Potenzo I think I’m the only one that doesn’t have an ex that I hate. So ill put my vote in for Boris the Bastard. Sounds good. 🙂
Gail Adamick Walker I’m gonna say Rick. But you could also use another part of his name which was Stewart.
Parrish N Kristen Bleau Named after Steve McQueen’s character in the movie “Parrish” 😉about an hour ago via mobile ·
Christin Hamilton Peterson My friend in college….her ASSHOLE ex was “Brad” that is also what we call many other bad thingsabout an hour ago via mobile ·
Andi Niess Matt. But hey, my s.o.b. story is better (and more convoluted) than Peyton Place, so I may just write it myself 🙂
Angel Morgan Greg Gray when I meet him I thought his said his named was Greg Greg. A really stupid name AND even worse he was Greg Gray II.19 minutes ago via mobile ·
Brenda Haakonson- Sundby Oh boy…you could write an entire book on my ex…..Randy…..the BIGGEST womanizer in all of the states! A charmer and a cheater! If you ever want writing material….I’ve got it for you.
Susan Robinson Dennis. Do you see the similarity to a synonym of prick??? (You could even leave out one N.
Brenda Haakonson- Sundby Wow!! Lots of pricks out there……ouch! Is there a FB page to list them……..BUT with first and last names so they are exposed for who they are? LOL Just a thought!
Gretchen Ross I had a jerk of a boyfriend named John but then I turned around and named my firstborn John. How about Steve? He wasn’t a jerk–just pretty boring.
Cathy Lamb So many men. So many pricks…what to do?
Valerie Strilko My evil ex is known as “The Leech” but his real name was Charles 🙂4 hours ago via mobile ·
Lauren McNeal Zorn I’ve been married a really long time but I remember an old boyfriend who was a real jerk…. Larry.
Parri Van Dyke P.S. Al had a southern accenteven though he’d never been out of the state of Orygon!!!
ILene Kat Hamende Joshua

i refer to him as “fuckin liar” and though we dont really speak, sometimes txt here and ther, his name in my phone is fuckin liar. when any of my close friends (the ones who nursed me through the 3 month alcohol crash diet, 7 months of nonstop crying, could not listen to music, insomia, depression, serotonin toxicity, md forced counciling….she also told me its not a good time to quit smoking…so i can get up go to work and put another day behind me) ask if i have seen or talked to him…refer to him as fuckin liar. i kinda like that name better than the name his parents gave him or he goes by
1J.B. he calls himself by his initials. His car tag says JayBee! He thinks he’s cool. He’s just creepy and ugleeeee! He’s a stalker and he rides around and around women’s houses with his old beat up car that has the tag JayBee. He’s got a big old red nose too!
2Brian..plain and simple and oh-so-aggravating. Jeff holds a close second. Ooh or better yet…Don.