January 11, 2012

From A Friend…

My friend, Karen Carman, of http://www.wallworksmurals.com/aboutus.html  painted this for me as a gift. We have been friends a long time…almost eighteen years. We have had a lot of laughs together and a lot of tears. She understands the Lamb Family.

This incredible painting is about four feet by four feet and hangs in our family room.  In a fire, after I got the kids, Innocent Husband and Crazy Cat out, I’d yank that sucker right off the wall and run.

Reminds me of a few quotes on friendship:

1) If I had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh I’d have a garden to walk in forever.

2) A good friend will come bail you out of jail…but a true friend will be sitting beside you saying, “Damn. We screwed up.”

3) Friends help friends bury the body.  (Like in The Last Time I Was Me!)

Cheers to girlfriends! And thank you, Karen Carman.  You are a true friend. But let’s not “do” jail. It would be embarrassing and they do not allow Starbucks or personal chocolates inside the cells.

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1 Comments to “From A Friend…”

  1. I just read, “If You Ever Wanted to Write”(sort of raising my hand since this has been my dream for over 50 years and I afraid to find out it is just that)

    “My Favorite Book, But Not for the Happy Reason You Think”( I tried to hold back tears so I wept for all the joy and the abject pain of this blog…..wow.)

    “From A Friend”( I know this friend….I have had her since third grade and we are 56 now…she doesn’t paint but she is a wonderful canvas blooming everyday….she adores life and takes it full in and sometimes I allow her to pull me along into the joy….she also has endured such tragedies and I have held her….it’s a mutual gift this loving friendship of ours)

    I will read more…..you are such an honest writer, one who understands the highs and the lows and yet goes forward trying to find steady ground. Your blogs made me very emotional so I will rest for now and read them when the storm intutive understanding passes.



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